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Kai leaves the others to explain everything to Lloyd while he took Nya somewhere private to talk.

"Kai what is going on!? Why does that random guy say he's your brother because I know for a fact your the only brother I have," Nya states. Kai thinks his words over carefully because he knows Nya is aware of Kai's adoption, but they have not even whispered it since they became ninja so it's likely she has even forgotten they were not blood related.

"Nya, you are my sister no matter what, but remember how mom and dad adopted me?" Kai asks. Nya's thinking for a moment before her eyes widened. "No! I want a DNA test! Just because he looks like you does not mean anything to me!" Nya screeches as him. "Sis calm down Zane already did one. Three times and Hiccup is my brother he's my twin. Flame brought me to mom and dad when I was baby," Kai tries explaining to her, but she would not listen to him. "No! No! No! We are going back to Ninjago right now!" Nya grabbed Kai's wrist to drag him off, but he was not going to just let her drag him off.

"Nya just listen and let me explain. I met my dad too he's a Viking chief which is really cool and Hiccup is a black smith like me and," Nya whipped around to look at him dead in the eyes. "So your replacing me?" She asks catching Kai completely off guard. "What?" He asks confused. "You disappeared with no explanation and when I come to find you the first thing I am fucking told is that you found your family?" Nya asks seething. "Well yeah, but Nya I," Kai tries. "So your replacing me with a new family?! Am I not good enough to be your sister!" Nya screams at him. "Nya you are my sister I don't care about blood I'm not replacing you because there's nothing to replace," Kai said trying to be patient with her.

"So I'm not your sister?" Nya asks. "No! Ugh Nya your complicating this. Nya I know you have abandonment issues, but," Kai began. "I do not have abandonment issues," she denies. "But I could never imagine a life in any realm without my little sister no matter who my blood family is," Kai said and Nya stomps her foot and turns away from facing him. "I got why you were gone for so long because I thought you just wanted to be away from the others, but..." Nya looked at him and he realized she was crying. "Your my only family and you leave me for a different one?" She asks. Kai brought her in for a hug kissing the top of her hair.

"Nya I will prove it as much as you want that you are my sister and whoever questions it I'll burn to ashes," Kai said as Nya stays silent buried into her brother's gi. "But I found my bio family and I just wanted to know what they were like. My father's pretty stubborn like me and short tempered too, but I'm sure he would love to meet you. Hiccup's like you with all his inventing. I even showed him a few of your designs and he kept on saying how talented you must be. I'm sure he would love a little sister," Kai said. "I don't want another brother! I don't want another family! Are you forgetting about the people who raised you? What about my parents your real parents!" Nya yelled at him, but still buried in his embrace and hugging tightly. "Nya I'm not saying who were my real parents are not, but I am telling you right now that when I think of our parents I think about how much your like them, how much I miss them, how much I miss our mother's voice singing us to asleep, how our dad would tell us stories together late in the night, how I work so hard to be the man they want me to be and how I know your everything and more the woman they wanted you to be," Kai looks at Nya's puffy red eyes and he was tearing up a little bit too as he recalls the memories.

"I will always think of the love they had for us and the love I feel for them everyday and I'm sorry I never came back for you. Your right I was a complete jerk for not coming back. The others I'm still willing to throw off a cliff and feed them to Flame, but I should have gone back for my little sister," Kai wipes a stray tear from her face.

"I'm sorry for everything and I put my own hurt in front of any hurt I might put you through from just disappearing. I promise I will never do that again and you need to remember I will always be here for you," Kai promises. Nya was silent before asking. "Are you staying with them?" She asks. "No, I plan to visit as much as possible, but Ninjago is my home and it's where I am meant to be, so sorry to break it too you, but your stuck with me for the long run," that brings a smile to her lips, but it disappeared and she hugs Kai closer. "You promise to never leave me?" Nya asks.

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