This Is Getting Ridiculous

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Astrid was sleeping soundly in her home when she heard a yell that made her bolt from her bed.


Stoic's loud voice rang through the entire village in the dead of the night. Astrid quickly awoke from her slumber and went outside seeing Stoic looking throughout the village worried for his sons as he looks for them with Tooth-less sniffing around worrying and Ember letting out sad roars at each place that did not have her master.

When Stoic saw Astrid he quickly asks. "Have you seen my sons?" Astrid only could give a disappointed look and knew what must have happened.

With Hiccup and Kai

Hiccup slowly woke up and seeing the wood below him he quickly awakes panicking. He tugged at his back feeling his wrists tightly confined in ropes as panic really starts to set in. He looks around and from the familiar feeling of the rocking boat along with all the scattered supplies around he figured this was a poorly made boat. He looked around and tried moving only to feel something on his back. He turns and found his ropes were connected to the wrists of his twin Kai who was still unconscious.

"Kai, Kai," Hiccup hisses quietly.


Kai mutters in the language he speaks often and the others are pretty sure some form swearing he uses since he speaks it very loudly when he's in pain. Hiccup elbowed his back and Kai grunts waking up.


Kai grunts looking around as his eyes adjusted to the light and he realized he was tied up. He looks around and realized Hiccup was tied with him.

"呃逆?我們在哪?發生了什麼事?" Kai asks.

"Kai can you please speak in a language I understand," Hiccup said slowly. Kai takes a moment to formulate his thoughts before he spoke again. "We got kidnapped," Kai realizes speaking Viking. "Oh really? I would have never figured that out," Hiccup said sarcastically. "Okay cut the sarcasm how are we supposed to get out?" Kai asks. Hiccup thinks for a moment when two sets of boots come down and the brown haired twins were faced with two bald men. One of them had a Viking helmet on and a baby face that only a mother could love, maybe, along with dark brown eyes and the standard leather tunic and a skirt over some wool pants and leather boots. The other was a scruffy man with similar clothing and was taller than his companion though the other was clearly in charge and he was just some extra muscle. He had a few missing teeth barely any hair and blue eyes smiling sinisterly like his friend who was clearly in charge of the grin was anything to go by.

"Alright now which one of you is Hiccup Haddock?" The smaller one asks in a gruffly voice. The two looked at each other and Hiccup pleaded silently for Kai to stay quiet, but Kai being bitter at his twin brother decided to not do that.

"Oh? You must be talking about Hiccup Haddock right?" Kai asks pretending to be dumb. "Yeah and this picture looks exactly like you both," the smaller one said holding out his hand expecting the paper only to get nothing. He looks at his partner. "What Amis?" He asks. "Gurgle hand me the poster," 'Amis' demands. "I lost the poster," 'Gurgle' said sadly in a squeaky voice that did not match his gruff face. Amis got mad at him.

"I gave you one job! Hold the poster!" Amis yells at Gurgle. The baby faced guy held up his arms that were lacking hands and replaced with metal hooks. "Holdings isn't my strong suit! You know that," Gurgle said sadly. Amis grumbles and looks back at his captives.

"Just tell us which one of you is Hiccup Haddock," He demands. "Okay I could do that.....or you could turn us both in and get double the gold," Kai said. Amis looks at Gurgle and they began discussing that with each other.

A Viking Chief's twinsWhere stories live. Discover now