Mystery Pair

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"So what's this island like? Will there be food? Kai why won't you ride with me?" The riders had quickly realized that Jay liked to talk a lot. He never seems to stop talking for more than a few minutes and he was easily distracted like a child. He also never seemed to run out of energy and only calmed down when Kai sung to him to sleep. He got along great with Hiccup because Jay was a inventor and even helped Hiccup on a few designs and gadgets.

Somehow Zane and Kai were able to keep up with him and said that Jay is still getting out his energy from that burst he had earlier. Still though he got annoying, and fast.

Hiccup had even asked how Jay could know Tooth-less is a lightning dragon and he explained. "Well as the master of lightning I can sense living creatures who can also connect with it and I can sense Tooth-less can too. His plasma blasts are a start and he can do more, but he seems to young for it right now and I can't be sure," Jay explained. Fish-legs had been all over Tooth-less's new scales and the dragon was happy to show them off.

"Kaiiiiiiii fly with me," Jay whines annoyingly. Kai had been noticeably spending less and less time with the two other ninja who had been trying to get him alone with them. Whenever they tried he would find a way to squirm out of it or would say that Hiccup had called him away. Needless to say he has been spending plenty of time with his twin to avoid the two. "Don't think Wisp wants more than one in her back Jaybird," Kai said with a sweetness in his voice on the back of Tooth-less with Hiccup.

"Shard's more than happy to have more than one on her back," Zane said flying next to Tooth-less extending a welcoming hand for Kai to join him on the back of the ice dragon. "Sorry Zane Ember finds Shard too cold," Kai said holding Ember against him. Hiccup could read his twin's body language and willed Tooth-less to speed up away from the nindroid and that's just what the night fury did.

"I hope I can summon my dragon soon or find Flame. I swear if I need to make you deal with avoiding my friends I'll just feel like a jerk," Kai said. Hiccup shrugs and looks back at his twin. "It's okay Kai to be honest having you around helps me with the same problem," Hiccup admits sneaking a glance at Astrid on Storm-fly.

"I just hope that whatever Mala called us for ends up being a excuse to spend some time away from them," Kai said with enforcement on the 'away' part looking at Jay and Zane who were whispering to each other and then smiled to show they agreed on something together as Jay nods. Kai mentally groans at whatever they have decided on doing.

"We're here!" Fish-legs called out pointing ahead to the island belonging to the defenders of the wing. Kai sighed in relief they were here for whatever urgent reason they needed the riders. They landed on the beach where they were met by queen Mala and Throk who watched them land. Queen Mala had beautiful short blond hair cut in a pixie style cut with light green eyes and fair skin and carried herself with a regal appearance that was reastablieshtd by the gold outlinings on her leather armour. Throk wore a green leather trousers, and had his ginger hair in a pony tail shaved at the sides. The twins did not even bother sticking around to say hi and instead running straight to the village hoping to get a bite of their delicious food. "Hi Mala," Snot-lout said acting super manly in front of the queen who smiles fondly at him.

"Hello Snot-lout I wish to speak with Hiccup quickly you may go ahead to the village I shall join you shortly," Mala said nicely and he smirks proudly as he left to the village. Mala looks at the rest of them and frowns confused seeing Zane and Jay. "And who are they?" She asks suspiciously.

Zane steps forward and put his hands together over his chest and bows to her. "I am Zane your highness I swear on my life I mean no harm to your island or it's residence dragon or human," Zane said speaking in a formal tone. "Yeah what he said and I'm Jay by the way," Jay said bowing too only less formal like Zane and he fell over on himself a little. Mala looks at Hiccup and Kai.

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