Want A Race?

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The next morning Stoic arrived with the wing maidens, Gobber, and the A team. They were ready and geared for a fight, but Stoic out right whined and complained about Hiccup not saving him any hunters to kill or maim. "Sorry dad," Hiccup mockingly apologizes starching at his bandaged hand. The other chief leaders had already been taken back to their respective islands dealin

Stoic than saw Kai with Zane who was checking Ember over with him.

"Son!" Stoic gathered Kai in a big hug in releif that he was alright. "Dad! Ribs!" Kai gasps out and Hiccup smiles. "Aw you get in here too, Hiccup" Stoic grabbed Hiccup and hugged both his boys at the same time while also simultaneously cracking their ribs.

"Your mother would be so proud of you both," Stoic praises them and they both smiled. He let go of them and someone else spoke.

"And I am proud of you both," A voice added. Everyone looked to the entrance of the clubhouse and saw.

"Master Wu!?"


The ninja exclaimed at the old man. "You know this old guy? He showed up fighting hunters with us and drinking warm water the entire time," Gobber comments gesturing to Wu with his hand.

"He's my master, he taught me everything I know," Kai explains. "And he's my uncle," Lloyd added. "Looks old for a uncle or to be in battle," Dagger comments and Wu looks at him. "Dagger run," Cole warns his friend.

Wu walked up to Dagger and without even trying he had him on the floor drooling in seconds.

"You aren't ready for my pinky toe," he declares before walking over to Kai. "While I am happy you have reunited with your birth family for being gone so long and leaving Ninjago you are going to be training for two weeks under Nya's care," Kai looked pale while Nya grinned.

"Wu, no please please not Nya!" He begs the old man who did not budge. "If it is any constitutional you are in charge of their training for two months however you please," Kai changed his tune while the boys looked annoyed. "What did we do?" Jay whines and got a staff to the head. "Employ harmful mental methods of taming him," he answers. "I am so going to torture you," Kai grins. "What's the worst you could do?" Cole challenges and Kai said.

"Sky diving, no dragons," Kai answers with a large grin at the boys terrified faces. "You wouldn't," Zane said. "I would," Was the answer.

"And Lloyd?" Wu turns to his nephew. "What did I do!?" He exclaims. "Nothing, I just enjoy torturing my students," Wu answers laughing at his nephew. "Btw Wu Kai said I could get a dog," Lloyd said smugly. Wu opens his mouth to protest this, but realizing he couldn't argue against letting Kai keep Ember he sighed.

"You need to pay for it," Lloyd grins excited.

Wu turns back to Kai and said. "I know you have been enjoying your time here, but Ninjago needs you," Kai looks away guilty. "Hey wait he can still visit right?" Hiccup asks. "Of course, I would never keep him from family, but he is Ninjago's best line of defence and we need him there. And soon, not that they are incompetent, but I frankly do not like leaving Ninjago in the hands of the commissioner, not to mention the other masters," Wu said and Kai waves it off. "They aren't that bad," he said. "Do I need to remind you of Chen's tournament?" The master asks with a raised eyebrow.


"I'm good,"

"Rather forget that nightmare thank you,"

"No way,"

"Skylar was helpful,"

"She put you in a headlock when you tried to kiss her,"

"It was romantic Nya,"

"Still don't like that chick,"

Hiccup wanted to ask so many questions like the other Vikings in the room, but found it was best to leave it for another day. "Does he really have to go?" Hiccup asks. Wu looks at Hiccup than his father. "It is really up to Kai, but his family's consent would be helpful, he can visit whenever he wants of course, and I will work on a method to stay in contact, your terror mail is much to far for them to fly to Ninjago," Master Wu explains to them.

Stoic looks a little hesitant, but having his experience letting Hiccup go off and explore and hearing about the work his slightly younger son does he has to concede.

"Like with Hiccup I could never stop you if I tried," he puts a hand on Kai's shoulder. "But know that Berk and us will always be here for you," Kai nodded blinking rapidly to avoid the tears. He hugs his dad tightly. "I'll be back soon I promise," he declares. Stoic hugged him back. "Stay safe son, at least I know the types Hiccup hangs around, and frankly these ninja of yours are questionable warriors," Stoic said.

"We promise to make sure he's protected," Kai frowns looking at Cole who said that. "I never forgave you," he states and Cole frowns. "But you said a chance," "that's right chance," Kai states. "But," Cole began when Kai out reached his hand and pinched between his shoulder blade and neck.

Cole freezes up and fell to the ground twitching. "You need protection from me Rocky," Kai states looking over him. Jay and Zane looks at Cole than each other.

"我们第一次约会时他没有这样做吗?" Zane sounded like he was asking.

"这意味着他又开始对我们热络起来了!," Jay grins with a positive attitude.

"也爱你的萤火虫," Cole spoke stuttering a little at his frozen muscles and body.

Kai rolls his eyes at them, but can't hide the small blush from his father who laughs at what they must be saying to make his son blush like this.

Kai hugs Hiccup promising to be back soon, he hugged Astrid who gave a apology for how she treated him, the twins asked him if they could keep any of the cool mechs which was a firm no, Fish-legs begged Kai to stay longer if only so he could geek out over Ultra. 

Kai than looks to Snot-lout who was understandably upset.

"So you really got to leave?" Kai looks at Snot-lout who looked really upset. "Don't worry bro, when I get back we'll do plenty of dumb shit and blame it on the twins or Hiccup," Kai smiles innocently. "Promise? Because your the only one who gives me any credit for anything cool I do," Snot-lout admits to him. "Aw don't worry, I'll make sure Hiccup gives you some credit, not to mention the Berserkers made a statue of you," Kai said and Snot-lout grins. "Yeah, we still aren't telling anyone what happened down there right?" He whispers the last part. Kai nodded. "It's for the best Hiccup might go looking for it," Kai said and Snot-lout nodded than gave him a bro hug.

"Gonna miss ya," Snot-lout said and Kai shared the sentiment.

Behind them blue, black, and white were watching and waiting for any wrong move and Snot-lout is gonna loose his arm.

"Well, I'll see you all again soon," Kai said and began to leave with the others when Hiccup asks. "Want one more race? Before you go, me and Tooth-less versus you and ultra?" Kai doesn't even need to think. "Your on," they sported matching grins.

"Kai we really should," Wu started, but Kai had already run off to the stables with Hiccup following close behind.

The two may live in different worlds, but their bond will never fade.

(The End I hope you enjoyed it)

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