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Hiccup couldn't believe it. Berk, his home, was over run by dragon hunters.

Looking around from the current view point he saw hunter ships docked at port and looking through his telescope he always carried with him he saw the dragons were caged in the training arena, the A team was with them, and he couldn't see the other dragons or his friends.

As he looks he saw that the dragon with the dragon proof ship tied to it went down and he watches as it disappeared in a different direction. Looking back he also couldn't see the Destiny's Bounty docked either which was also bad. "Hiccup? What's wrong?" Kai could feel his twins tension even if he was still going to be blind for another five to six hours.

"Berk's been over run with dragon hunters, I don't see the riders, the ninja, dad, or the dragons anywhere," Hiccup explains looking through his telescope. "Shit," Kai curses. "Think we can take them?" Hiccup asks. "Not in my condition," Kai answers. "But couldn't you just feel for heat signatures or something?" Hiccup asks. "Yes, but I can't tell who's on what side just where they are. I could hurt one of our own," Kai explains.

Hiccup grimaces and looks through the telescope again. "We're going to need to head towards Outcast Island, it's the closest and we'll need someone to watch over Berk while we deal with Viggo," Hiccup explains.

"Alright then, I just need too," Kai feels around and presses a button. It beeped a few times before it went silent and Kai asks.

"Zane? Snowflake it's me where are you? What happened?" Kai asks. It was silent before a weak voice, barely audible, came through.


Before cutting out and leaving them in a deafening silence.


"Let us go you orge!" Astrid demands. Ryker smirks watching her and the rest of the riders plus the chief of Berk struggled in the bindings in the bounty's prison hole.

The ship was the first thing captured in their attack on Berk and to their luck the Night Fury was on it. They captured the night fury and lied saying that they also had the twins, but in reality they couldn't find the two anywhere on the entire island and no one else knew where they were either.

The hunters used the shell shocker and released a few small shots as a warning to the villagers if they tried anything.

The dragons were on a different ship, but all the riders were right here while Viggo was doing something to those things in a different room.

"Where are my sons?!" Stoic yells pounding on the bullet proof glass with his free foot. Ryker shrugs. "No bloody idea, we just said that so you would surrender," Ryker says. Stoic's anger flares and he smashes against the glass, but it doesn't give in.

Ryker hears a nearby door opening and he saw Viggo entering with a dragon proof chain. "You done mocking them brother?" Viggo asks. Something behind pulls on the chain, but Ryker can't see it. "You always ruin my fun," his older brother responded. "Where are my sons?!" Stoic yells at Viggo. "And what are you doing with the others?" Fish-legs cut in. "Also do we get prisoner food anytime soon because I am starving!" Tuff-nut asks. "I'll take roast yak clams with a side of butter," Ruff places her order. "You will not eat!" Ryker snaps at them.

Viggo smirks amused. "Knowing Hiccup he'll come eventually, as for the other one and his friends," Viggo pulls the chains and the Vikings watched as he pulled Cole into the light. "What did you do to him?!" Snot-lout shrieks.

Cole's eyes were emitting a faint orangish glow, his pupils dilated, he drooled glowing saliva, his arms were popping rocks, he was twitching, and itching at his skin. He looked like a demonic animal with rabies. "Just got curious about how they would react to certain....... Elements. Watch," Viggo pulls out a small shiny metallic device and blew in it, but no noise came out.

Cole suddenly let out a animalistic screech and pulled in the opposite direction of Viggo and a nearby hunter guard got in his way. That guard did not last long as Cole just smacked his wrist and the guard went through the wall, and looking he also went through the wall of that room, and two more before he finally went out into the ocean skipping on the water a few times before he just sunk into the water.

The entire group backed up behind Stoic and were now thankful for the glass separating them. Cole keeps on thrashing around trying to get through the locked door made of this weird stone with glowing cracks, but Viggo stopped blowing the whistle and he instantly calmed down if still twitching and foaming.

"What dark magic have you messed with?!" Stoic yells at Viggo. "Nothing I won't eventually do to the others, and when I find your sons I can assure Hiccup shall get to have a close up chance to study the effects it has on his brother," Stoic growls at the man and the riders glared.

"How does this even benefit you? Your a business man this does not fit your M.O," Astrid asks. Viggo looks at her. "Like in maces and talons the point of the game is to gain as much territory and they fight back to defend their territory, but sometimes they use it as a opportunity to expand their own. I'm doing exactly that," "Than why bother keeping us alive?" Stoic asks. "I can answer that," Ryker cuts in and sneers at them. "We want to see the freaks hunting skills," he taunts them.

"And thanks to this device I found searching their belongings I can assure it will be a interesting hunt indeed," Viggo says watching Cole acting like a wild animal. No guards dared go near him and he hadn't attacked Viggo because of the whistle he held.

"But we still have a few stops before the hunt can start," Viggo said. "And where would that be?" Astrid asks. "Let's just say I never forget a enemy, or a enemies ally,"

(Shorter than usual I know, but I feel this would be the best place to leave off and I love cliff hangars)

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