Accepted? Or Disowned?

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The riders plus Stoic walked through the old tunnels with their dragons on alert. It was freezing down here with ice below their boots as they walked. They were following Skull Crusher after said dragon took a sniff of Hiccup's spare leg in Tooth-less's pouch.

"Are you sure he's even down here?" Snot-lout asks feeling very unsettled for lots of reasons. "We looked everywhere above seems to be the only place they could be on the whole island," Heather points out her double bladed axe tightly gripped in her hands. "I swear if that dragon hurt either of my sons," Stoic growls. "Don't worry chief we won't let anything happen to them," Fish-legs said.

As they moved further and further they found themselves at a problem. A large ice wall was blocking their path, but there was a hole that was big enough for people o go through, but not big enough for any dragon besides Ember to fit through. "Storm-fly blast," Astrid orders her dragon who did as told, but the ice does not even crack. "Fascinating, this ice seems to be unmeltable," Fish-legs said. "So no dragons?" Stoic growls getting angrier and angrier every passing second.

Ember gave a offended growl and flew through the human size hole. "We are doomed," Snot-lout said. "We aren't done yet we keep going," Stoic walks through the hole in the wall. The dragons growl clearly not liking the idea of letting their humans go in alone. "You guys find another way around," Fish-legs said to the dragons as they all go in through the ice wall. They also sent Ember to stay with the dragons since it was going to be much safer. They were all really tense as they kept walking until they arrived in a large cavern made completely of ice. They looked in awe at the detailed ice of a rock garden that made Fish-legs instantly envious.

"Where is Kai and Hiccup?" Stoic asks not seeing either son. "They are fine," a chilly wind goes through the cavern at the sound of the voice. A figure steps out from behind a ice tree that they did not notice because he was dressed purely in white with the palest skin they had ever seen.

"You must be Zane," Astrid said and the figure nodded. "Where are my sons?" Stoic asks. "You mean son," Zane corrects and the chiefs eyes widened as did everyone else's at the implication. "You didn't," Fish-legs began. "Kill them? No I would never kill someone. I am just angry that you are taking advantage of Kai's lack of knowledge of who his family is. Kai's home is with me and the others," Zane said his eyes harsh and almost glowing. Stoic growls at the stranger in a glare that would make anyone since in fear, but this man held no fear. "Where's the dragon?" Heather asks.

"Shard is dealing with your dragons," Zane said simply. "That was a mistake you won't be able to beat all of us with or without your dragon," Astrid promises. "And your dragon is super cool and awesome it's frozen half of Berk!" Tuff-nut said in excitement. It was silent before the man laughs out loud.

"You think Shard's freezing this island? Please Shard's powerful, but I am so much more powerful that him," Zane proclaims. "Don't make me laugh boy now where are my sons?" Stoic asks. At that moment there was loud banging and everyone's heads turned to a mount of ice as a hole was broken open by Hiccup's metal leg.

"Dad! Riders run!" Kai yells at them. "Haddocks never back down from a fight!" Stoic then charges. Zane did a simple flick of his wrists and suddenly Stoic was half frozen from the waist down. Everyone was shocked except for Kai and Hiccup. "Zane stop it! You protect!" Kai yells. "And I'm protecting you," Zane responds turning back to the riders. He lit his hands with icy blue energy and they all realized that it was never the dragon they needed to be worried about.

"Now which one of you is Snot-lout?" Zane asks.

Everyone was frozen still looking at their chief who was over his shock and smashing through the ice because nothing was going to stop him from getting to his sons. Snot-lout was the most terrified and even more so when Zane's eyes made contact with his. "I'm assuming your Snot-lout?" He asks in a low dangerous tone.

A Viking Chief's twinsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora