Titan and Jirka

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Jirka is on his way to slay the new alpha monster that has take over the area near a big country called Xani. As he makes way through a mass of monsters that are large apes with long claws and green fangs come roaring at him. But he keeps killing one after another as if it was nothing at allotter about two hours he was surrounded by corpses of beasts while the rest went back and retreated for the time being as Jirka doesn't even have a cut on him at all. 

Jirka listens around and hears no beast at all and sits down where he stands and breathes as he thinks about how the tracks of Hanlios killer have gone cold and decides to change up his mind with a new request so he can get a fresh site to things. He gets back up and takes a bite of some jerky he bought at the city and makes his way deeper into the heart of the jungle . After about an hour of walking and following a strong presences he is now in front of a large clearing with seemed to be tiled with stone. 

He looks around and walks forward as he does a large shadow covers him and the clearing and when he looks up his eyes go wide as he sees a large white and golden bird glittering in energy and power looking down at him with emerald green eyes. The large bird was the size of a palace and its wings seemed to reach from one major cities wall to the other side. Jirka looks at the beast and knows this one is strong and he feels his heart fill with excitement at the site of it. Just as Jirka was about to get ready the bird landed gracefully and then released a large amount of energy the caught him off guard. The energy fills Jirka's body up and he feels a overwhelming amount of pressure and dread take him over.

He manages to stay up and not falter much to the power of the beast but knows that if her were to fight this thing right now he would be in a very serious sate afterwards or even dead. But he still decides to face this thing as he hasn't had a real challenge since Hanlio trained him in the walkers federation. As the bird towers over him Jirka keeps calm but feels giddy at the thoughts this fight will bring but then he hears a voice in his head it was that of a man but a regal and calm voice but has power to it and a hint of wisdom as well,

Titan ( Why this is unexpected encounter huh?)

Jirka looks around vigorously  and cautiously for the one who spoke in his head but could not find another being at all. 

Titan ( You seem to have confused my voice with that of another as it is only you and I here at the moment and their is no other on the continent at least. But it is I who is speaking to you oh strong one.)

Jirka looks to the giant bird again and realizes that it is the one talking to him and is even more on edge as he has never heard about a monster with telepathy let alone one with such fine words. He tries to think if he is being tricked by the monster with illusion or mind magic but can not sense any of the sort at all.  

Titan ( Yes I am not using any type of trick on you at all I am not a beast by the way I am Called Titan and I am a Holy Beast.)

Jirka hears those words from Titan and is confused by the term Holy beast as he has never heard of such term before at all. But still keeps his mind focused as he still might have to fight this being if it was truly a trick to get him to lower his guard.

Titan ( Your caution is expected but I will not trick you as I wish to speak with you who was sent hear to slay me but I must request you to stop. I have done nothing to any country or city and have only fought back against those who have attacked me first. So if you would please leave my nest as I prefer to be left alone and have my quiet time to sleep.)

Titan turns away from Jirka but then hears a very serious voice in his own head as he wasn't expect to her telepathy back. 

Jirka ( You say you mean no harm but how can I take your words as the truth when you hold such enormous power. Also I was sent to slay you and I take my job seriously so it is no distain for you but its only work.)

Titan ( I warn you young one that you do not wish to fight me for if you do it will only lead to your death as I have my own purpose to do and if you try to take my life then I must take yours in defense of your assault. )

Then both parties release a strong killing intent  at one another and seem to be getting in position to strike at each other. But then a flash of light get in-between the two and standing their is a Seeker woman holding a spear and looking  at each of them with a calm face but then releases an Aura that engulfs the both of them to stop their actions and back away from her.  Jirka looks at the woman and senses even more power from her and every attack he tries to picture in his head attacking her leads only to his death no matter his direction. 

Then he  gets out of his stance and understands that right infant of him is none other then a god who has intervene. Zeke watches from the his throne as Barluna stops the fight as he doesn't need ether of those two to die right now. So he sent Barluna to stop them and explain as he watches Jirka leave bowing to Barluna as he worships all the gods who fight and are related to battle and knows he is going down the wrong path and leaves. But as he does so Barluna says one word sentence to him before he leaves.

Barluna ( Seek your Viam as he will give you the clue you seek about that who you wisgh to defeat. )

Jirka's eyes go wide at her words and tries to turn around but is instead teleported to the entrance of the city he received the request from. He looks around for her but can not find her one bit and then looks up to  pray to her and thank her for the words that will put him back on his path. 

Zeke watches at Jirka goers to report and Barluna returns and bows to him and tells him of her action s and he thanks her as Jirka won't have to die too Titan. Zeke then dismisses his gods as he now plans to deemed to the surface but this time not alone as Infintino ,Viota, Solusa, and Sequoia are to accompany him and tour the floating content to inspect the sins and virtues. As Zeke is excited to see how each one has debveloped and what name and appearances has they choose to use to rain their purpose upon the world and lead to more new and exciting stories to tell.

Well you died and are now GOD.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu