Promotion and Love story's

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Aruno looks at Zeke and has a simple face that seems confused and does not understand what she has been asked. Then her arms start to flail all over then place and her thoughts came back to her as she tries to process his question then speaks,

Aruno ( wha wha wha what you you you you want me me me me to be to be a goooogogogogoggod???  But I'm im im an assistant im im im not wororororttthhyyy!?!?!?!)

Zeke ( I wouldn't say your are unworthy of being a god. I think you will make a great god if you believe in yourself a bit more but now answer my question. Yes or No I won't accept anything else you say.)

Zeke shows a smile to her as she turns beat rest and keeps failing around her arms trying to think of what to say. As she thinks she suddenly says

Aruno ( Yes?)

Then the orb for Zeke's hand goes flying and enters her body as she shines like the others and then her figure grows double her size and her outfit changes to one of a comfy dress. When the lights stop her third eye is a bright rainbow and her hair is bigger. She then feels power surge in her and she feels like a new person and he thoughts calm down but then quickly go rapid once again.

Aruno ( Im Im Im Im a a a a God now now now!!!) 

Zeke ( Yes you are you are now a god of Music and the Arts, also of Women I hope you enjoy your new role as a god.)

Aruno ( But I have never been in such a position or let alone qualified to be in it I'm just an assistant to you.)

Zeke ( And now a god, I believe your are worthy of the position and if any one else says not they can have a word with me about it. Aruno I know you will be a good god and know you will do great as one. Just ask for help when you need it your governing god will be Eternina so she will help you.)

Aruno looks at Zeke and is a bit nervous but seem better about her promotion to Goddess, she thanks him and he tells her that he would like her to give her blessing to a bard. She does as told and is still a bit nervous but does so, once that was over Zeke summons Eternina and has her show Aruno the ropes a bit more and to be easy with her. The two walk away from the throne room to the new room for Aruno and on her symbol. Then Zeke vision goes black and he feels a pair of smooth hands on his face and a voice that says,

Lige ( Guess Who?)

Zeke ( Is it my goddess of Fate ?)

Then lige walks in front of him and smiles at him as she starts to talk about her heroes and how they are now on their way to start their next quest. She then mentions the two others on their way to meet one another by the work of fate and how they are gonna encounter a small group of monster they will kill and lead them on the right path to the others Heroes. Zeke smiles at Lige's plan to stop the monsters and makes it more interesting, Lige than whispers in his ear to take a look at Tiamo who is on the surface floating around and watching one of the Dreads with a great interest.

lige then makes her way to her private room Zeke made for her to mange the fates of the world and then he goes to his own room he recently made. Before gets to his room his is then bumps into Obitel who looks a bit different then normal as he was waring a nicer set of cloths and holding a bouquet of flowers. Obitel looks at Zeke in surprised and then quickly hides the flowers and start to panic a bit in front of his creator. Zeke looks at Obitel and then a light blub turns on in his head and he makes a big smile and opens his interface and grabs something and hands it to Obitel. It was a teddy bear and tells Obitel to take it slow and give him word if he really likes them, Obitel breaks out into a smile and thanks Zeke as he goes off to his select event.

Zeke enters his private room that he makes into a two leveled office with many book shelves and interesting items he like in the world. he also had a large amount of old handheld game devices from earth on the shelves as well. He has a large beautiful rug and a desk in the middle, he also has a refined desk and a floating monitor on it and on the walls of the office his a painting of every god and they very from rank. He also as nice chairs and sofas all around the office. He sits in his seat and turns the screen on Tiamo who is floating around a dessert in town.

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now