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From the god realm Lige stands in the throne room watching a grand interface as two of her sons fight truly trying to kill each other. Seeing them shed each others blood hurts her very soul as she wishes to consolidate them from their pain and grief after their fallout. She then watches as Sewnara blast the two apart and stops the fighting.

Sewnara scolds the two sides for the destruction they have caused to the town over such a misunderstanding. Viam looks to see Sewnara in perfect health and runs up to her and holds her into his embrace softly. As he whispers how happy he is to see her alive and well he says that when he was informed of her missing status at sea his heart was filled with rage and sadness. Saying he can't lose another loved one to this world again not if he can help it, Sewnara breathless holds her love back and feels a sense of relief knowing they get more time together. 

Sewnara then tells Viam that Jirka and his weird crew saved her after the giant serpents attack and that they only asked for simple supplies. Viam's eyes get serious as he turns around to stare down Jirka who is standing in the same spot breathing slower then before as he keeps eye contact with Viam. Viam stares back and makes a scowl on his face seeming to still be angry and ready to keep fighting but looks back to Sewnara who pleads with her eyes to stop fighting. He scoffs at Jirka and turns his head away.

He then tells Jirka to leave this land they shall get their supplies they need to leave free of charge and no charges will. be held against them only for this day. If they stay till the next justice shall come for them. Jirka responds by turning around with out hesitation and starts to walk to Morga who is now on the ground trying to remove the Nekoi crew who seem to be on the winning side as they shout insults at him such as Big dumb giant and how dare he attack their crew. Jirka sends his thoughts to the crew that they are to resupply and leave port asap as not to hurt anyones delicate pride. 

The Nekoi's stop and look to see the fighting has stopped and they get off Morga who is now on his hands and knees breathing hard full of wounds and damage. Jirka starts walking to port with the crew but then hears Sewnara yell for them to stop for a moment with out looking back. The Nekoi's stop and look at her as she try to approach but Viam stops her and says that speaking to him will only lead you to anger and hubris. She then thanks the entire crew and thanks them for what they did for a complete stranger. She then says to each one of them how grateful their journey was and all she has learned from them and lastly thanks Jirka for saving her several times from the sea and that strange island. 

Jirka walks off without even trying to look back and the Nekois says their good by with Tact coming to her and holding out his hand saying she will always be their ally. Sewnara smiles and says goodbye as they Nekois run to catch up with Jirka. Viam watches them off as Morga gets next to him and says is really fine for him to pardon them after what has happened. Sewnara speaks and says it has to do down as both sides are guilty and innocent but she will be blamed for the incident. They all nod seeming to understand this day will not be forgotten as Viam weakly falls down but is caught by Sewnara. 

Lige lets out a tear to the scene as it breaks her heart knowing they once cared for each other so much and now they were almost natural enemies. The incense will go down in history as the first of three major incidents that the brothers were the sole cause. Lige returns to her room to look at the strings of fate and sees a big knot which ties the chiders fate even more.

Well you died and are now GOD.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant