Waxer's Ways and Arrogance

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Waxer runs to the village center and breaks his way through the crowd and reaches the center he sees his father the chief slamming his sword into a crude shield and making the welder beaten to the ground aching in pain as the chief looks at he now appeared son. With the match done he approaches his son and starts to look at him with disappointment, the speaks,

Chief ( You seem to be thinking in the wrong way for you to disturb this special  occasion with no real reason my failure of a child. Now do I have to punish you in the name of Olon for this disrespect?)

 Waxer ( Olon is but a rumor spread by the senile who have not even seen the hint of truth.)

The chief looks at his son and makes a very serious face as he grips his sword and stands right infant of his son and holds in his anger then speaks,

Chief ( You speak nonsense and then disrupt are one true god?! Then you have the gull to try and belittle our ancestors who laid the foundation of this village. So you can speak nonsense about this false truth you believe in. Then you are not only a failure but stupid as well!)

Waxer ( I challenge you to Ru Ty Lu and control of the village, if you don't take my challenge then I dub you a coward and your god false.)

Chief ( I accept your challenge and will have you slain in the name of Olon once I win and cast your dead body out the village to be eaten by the birds.)

Hearing this the crowd starts to make the a rig of fire and light it once only the two are in, the rules is that they can't leave until one is dead and they will be the ruler of the village and the spiritual leader. The chief cuts his palm and wiped it across their face as war paint, while Waxer prays to the great one and feels a surge of energy. They both then face each other with their weapons of choice each the crude great sword and the Gauntlets he was gifted.

They then hear a make shift bell  and they both rush at each other, the sword was swung down on the ground and hit nothing then he is hit in the neck twisting it all the way around in a second . The body falls to the ground and lifeless while the other look at this and wonder, then Waxer looks at the lifeless body and then grabs the sword and shatters it with his hands and then looks around at the villagers.

Zeke watches as Waxer starts to  teach his  village in the new ways of his lord and starts to use the martial arts system using ki to increase his power and channeling it the best he can. He grows teaching them to stay open minded and not worship the fake god Olon. Of course he had problems being challenged by the older ones who believed they knew better, but in the end they would be one widely killed by Waxer who never tortured them and finished the matches as soon as possible. He then would go on to lead them in a battle against another clan of Meadow Walkers who wanted to claim their land.

While watching the up coming battle prep something  caught his eyes and then pauses the world and summons Kulema who is now in front of him  bowing awaiting his words,

Zeke ( Kulema i see you blessed one of the walkers on the surface, am I correct?)

Kulema ( Yes great father I have on one who is obsessed with death and prays to me every night asking for my protection in battle and so on.)

Zeke ( I see so I understand why they have been blessed but do you know they are going to battle against the Walker I had Infintino blessed and gifted by my whim.)

Kulema hearing the words starts to sweat coldly and knows that their two followers are going to war with each other.  Zeke opens the interface and then closes it and turns to Kulema again to speak,

Zeke ( It is fine just seems to be a simple misunderstanding, and giving blessings is normal so I'm not gonna punish you for that but I want you to not be effected if your blessed one is slain.)

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now