Crossing Paths

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Sewnara is now laying on a floor and then after some pressure on her chest coughs up sea water profusely and the roles to her side expelling her entire stomach. She feels a small hand on her back seeming to try and comfort her. Giving her some so peace of mind she is then hulled inside a room and treated of her injuries. 

Then after several hours of resting and some healing magic she slowly opens her eyes to see a wooden ceiling she does not know. She then tries to get up rapidly but then falls out of the bed and seems to be panicking as to the unknown environment making a crashing sound.

Then she hears a lot of feet scrambling seeming to be alerted to her awaking  She thinks fast and sees a closet and hides. While in the closest she is still weakened and could barely see out of the small slits in it and gets ready to attack those that have captured her.  The unknown being scramble around looking for her and seem distressed by this and then as one seems near by she jumps out the closet to try and capture one but then feels a large arm on her neck and pressed against the closet wall and her other arm pin just as well. 

When slammed she closes her eyes and try to escape but the figure was far stronger then her and seems to be unmoving. She then shouts,



Hearing the cute voice caused Sewnara to shudder a bit and then opens her eyes while still pinned the blurry figures then come into focus. She then sees to her right a small furry being in a larger coat for its size and several others all waring. As she looks around the room she then makes eye contact with the being pinning her to the wall and is lost for word and thought. 

Sewnara thinks rapidly to why she is now being pinned by her own husband and seems alittle hurt and confused. She speaks,

Sewnara ( Viam my love why are you holding me down and with these strange creatures in this strange room?...... Viam answer m.!?!)

Then she feels more pressure on her neck as a deadly aura emerges from the man causing her to feel fear. Then a stout and powerful voice rings in her head causing her a bit of pain saying,

??? ( How dare you call me that name I am not him nor will I ever be him so say that every again I will not spare you my wrath!)

Then he drops her and she falls to the floor cough as the figure silently leaves the room. The small creatures hurry and rush around her to help her back in the bed their they explain everything to her. After the explain she learns the one with the coat is the captain of this vessel and his name is Tact and the black furred one is Brew and they are sailing the seas on adventures of mapping them. He explains their race to her as she has never scene them before, they go on to apologize for their crew member Jirka as he never really gets that angry and seems to be a very big misunderstanding. 

They also mention how they saved her from the ocean and how that bolt she casted caught Jirka's attention and how he was the one to pull her out. 

Sewnara thinking to keep her identity a secret for now says she was a scribe who fall overboard after a very violent sea storm the vessel she was on was caught in. Tact nods and says that is very harsh and she is one of the lucky ones to survive such a dramatic event and goes on to let her rest, but brew stays behind to ask a few more things.

Tact leaves and Brew speaks to Sewnara,

Brew ( So miss Sewnara, for a scribe who usually handles pen and paper a lot your hands look rather delicate and refined don't you think Ma?)

Sewnara ( Well my hands make my funds so I need to take care of them.)

Brew ( So then care to explain how on a scribbles pay you can afford such a rare ring with an improve crest on it?)

Brew pulls out a ring that was once on her finger but she had not noticed was gone, Shen then narrows her eyes and silence fills the room as the air get a bit heavy. Sewnara now understands tBrew was the brains on the operation and can't underestimate him one bit and must careful choose her words.

Brew ( Now tell me the truth who are you and why are you lying Ma?)

Sewnara ( I am of a certain line of nobility in the west and coming home from a journey I was thrown over board during the storm. I underestimated your people Mr. Brew that is my poor judgement this time.)

Brew ( Those who wish to live long must be aware of all things to avoid problems and find solutions for others. Now Ms.Noble I believe you called one of your crew by a name he dislikes quite a bit so care to explain whY that was so Ma?)

Sewnara looks at brew and still is hesitant and best not to lie much but still need to keep her cover. 

Sewnara ( It is the name of my husband and your crew members face was very similar to his, but now that I think about his was to brutish and lest regal. So I apologize for said insult to him and it will never happen again.)

Brew ( Hmmmmm ok I will accept that for now Ma. SO now you clearly were on your way to destination were you not I think my Captain will offer to take you their because it will probably peak his interest as he will say Ma, " Follow the leads given to you Na"Ma.) 

Sewnara ( If that is so I will gladly accept his offer if asked but I assume compensation is in order?)

Brew ( Your a smart one ill say just give us things t trade from the west that are hard to come by in the best that will last long  journeys. Also resupply and maybe a map or two Ma?)

Sewnara ( Well aren't you a haggler huh? Most would demand a large amount for their reward you know?)

Brew ( I know Ma. But our captain won't like that he would prefer that type of stuff as it in his words again " Would be more fun Na" Ma.)

Sewnara ( Then I believe we will have a deal once the request is given to the proper people. But how do you know I won't go back on my word and betrayer's you once arrived ?)

Sewnara looks at blue with a level of caution and interest, he then says,

Brew ( Remember the guy who easily over powered you Ma? Well he won't mind destroying a few houses are two until we get proper compensation Ma.)

Understanding his stubble threat the two nod and shake hands as now the journey to the western lands has commenced.

Back in the Streaming room Lige  is speculating how their journey might go and how the Holy Snake seemed to be in a bad mood now and wonders how that came to be? Zeke to was curious why it attack Sewnara's vessel and what lead up to it so they rewind little bit and zoomed off to the floating continent as the Large snake lays in and open sunny feels id approached by a god.

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now