Tasks and Specters

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The snake holy beast is a very lax and and lives its life day by day mostly sleeping and dreaming it doesn't go out of its way to do much, but when it does it does its task properly. Right now it is sleeping in an open field on the floating continent sun bathing its day away. Then as it does it senses a powerful presence approaching it and opens its eyes to see the goddess Qiell who is standing in front of it seeming to have a thought on her mind.

??? ( What brings the Goddess of the dream plain to the holy lands on such a relaxing sunny day?)

Qiell ( I have come to give you a task this very day.)

??? ( Uggggghhhhhhhhhhhh whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???? )

Qiell ( Because unlike the other Holy beast you haven't decided on what to do with your path in life oh nameless one.)

 The snake rolls its eyes and then looks away as it just wants to relax by itself. It then exhales annoyed and half closes its eyes and responds,

??? ( Okay what is the task you want me to do?)

Qiell ( I want you to go to the surface and investigate a group of Magistars  that are trying to manipulate dream energy to their advantage. Also if you deem their intentions foul and ill intent destroy them from the face of the earth, that's all I want you to do. Its on the eastern continents most southern coast you will feel the energy when near.)

??? ( Whats in it for me oh goddess ? hmmmm? )

Qiell ( I won't punish you for questioning a god and I also will give you a name once the task is complete ok?)

It looks at Qiell will doubt in its eye as it can't disobey no matter how much it want to complain, it sighs again and then agrees to the task. It gets up and stretches it body and starts to move towards the closest edge of the continent. 

After about an hour of slithering across the land it reaches the edge to be welcomed to a large blue ocean and then leaps off the edge with its giant body. It splashes into the water and sinks to the bottom and starts to make way to its destination. 

It travels across the sea bed very easily as it pokes it head up once in a while to take a fresh breath. as it goes it runs into several large sea monsters that try to attack it but are easily over powered and killed by it. Most races on the world would turn are white at the mere thought of these creatures but the holy beast scoffs at mindless weaklings challenging the wrong one. 

after several days of travel and killing it finally senses the energy Goddess Qiell was speaking of, so it stops and shrinks it size to that of a near garden snake monster of the area and travels on land to the source of the energy. As it does several citizens of the area speak about troubling news,

Citizen 1 ( Have your heard the new news??)

Citizen 2 ( No what is it now?!)

Citizen 1 ( They found several more giant sea beast carcasses close to here and they still haven't announced what did such damage to the kings of the waters. They say the found the ruler of the Reefs carcasses amount them. Its describe to be crushed to death snd a powerful poison circulated in its veins.)

Citizen 2 ( What !! Are you serious not even our towns private navy could even scratch that things hide at all!! Now you say something came and killed it like it was fodder?)

Citizen 1 ( Yes the adventurers guild is now investigating the cause behind it and if this will continue in the future homely no where near here. )

Citizen 2 ( Agreed I would hate to see the thing that can kill such a monster.)

The two walk off as the snake now crawls down a sewage drain into a secret tunnel passing debris and rodents with out a care. Then after a bit of traveling out  and reaches a a sealed door and enters through a crack in the stone on the side seeing a mystical light come through. 

Once inside it see a several Magistar casters testing out the usual energy they discovered by chance. They then speak to each other on what it can be and how they can try and use it as it may a whole new school of magic and believe they can make a break through. But as they try they fail causing a small explosion sending them all into a wall.

Seeing this the holy beast is not impressed and decides to leave said fools alone as they are no where close to understanding it at all. As it readies to leave it is then frozen in place but not by ice but by pressure as it doesn't understand what is going on. Quickly using its powers frees it self to quickly turn around and see a spectral like figure in a skull mask and boater hat seeming to be making a deal with one of the Magistars. 

Then all of a sudden its instincts tells it to destroy that thing as fast as it can and all in this room as a surge of unknown power enters the one Magistar. 

The scene changes to the view of the port town when all of a sudden a large explosion comes out of the right side and a Large monster emerges blast ing magic to the source of the explosion. Then after that a being escapes to the Skys as it hurriedly flies away from the snake but the snake follows after with a blind fury as is cast multiply pure magic at the being and then encases the being in a weird sphere. The Being yells some thing along the lines, of


As it blast the snake with a very strong curse and makes it shiver a bit. They then try to escape to the sea but the snake follows bent on destroying the specter.  The town goes into panic at the quick events that will spread the image of this powerful beast now mistaken as a Primordial monster and not a holy beast. 

The snake would chase the specter to the fattest north seas until a chance came upon the specter to escape with a by passing ship and a heavy storm. Using some illusion magic it trans form the ship in its image and the snake takes the bait. The specter then goes towards the central continent to try and make a new plan to salvage who opportunity has been lost. Seeming to say under his breath this will not help his plan one but seeming truly angered by the holy beast and plans to make sure it get subjugated for revenge. 

The snake would attack the vessel and start a none stop attack on it when it appears every time causing the snake sadness and pain as it just wants to be alone. 

Seeing this Zeke is said for the snakes fate as it will be a hard one and wished it to be able to rest soon as no one deserves to be attacked for doing its duty. Zeke then turns to Lige who is a bit somber as she knew this might happen for the snake and then he speaks to her,

Zeke ( You know what Lige why don't you name the snake and reward him a new skill as its the least we can do. Plus have Qiell deliver it and state so. )

Lige nods and seems to be in a better mood and then turns to Zeke and a bit serious says,

Lige ( My love I have a serious matter to tell you about that what we just watched. )

Zeke ( ?)

Lige ( I could not see the fate of that Specter as he has multiple fates in which are still unknown even to me as it seems his destiny is a very long and complicated one. But their its one more thing I put tell you about the specter.)

Zeke ( what can be more thought provcoting then what you said Lige?)

Lige  ( Lige it seems that his string of fate cross path with many mortals and immortals but his is tied down to our sons fates no mater the route I try to look at. As he is determined to do so with them.)

Hearing this Zeke sits up and turns to the screen as the Specter now lands on the central continent and is now looking over a teenage boy Seeker wielding  double axes seeming to concentrate on training and under his mask a evil smile emerges. Similarly the screen changes and shows a black aura emerge from under the shadow of the specter.

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