Sculptures and Artist

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After watching the other worlders walk towards the town Zeke and Lige get up from their spots and stretch their bodies from the stiffness as they decide to get back to managing the world. Lige kisses Zeke on the cheek and then goes out to finish some other plans of hers while Zeke makes way to his throne which he hasn't seen in a while. 

He walks down the hall passing many beings going in and out of various places as he makes to the throne room. All of them stop to. watch him pass and seem mesmerized by him as he tries to ignore it. Then he arrives to the throne room to see it too has changed.

Now their were five thrones in all but two where higher than the other three. He then pushes the thought to the back of his mind and goes to his throne which is the slightly bigger of the two and sits. He then opens his Interface to see all the points he got at the party and the orb he got for winning his bet with Regalia.

He then starts to think what to do with all this PP then he gets a random thought and messes around with his map some more. Showing picture profiles of all his gods and he then cuts his reward in half and then deposits it evenly to all of them to do with as they please. He then goes to the market page of the gods to see what is for sale and what will catch his eyes.

As Zeke starts to think of a new idea back on the world two of his gods are on the surface in new vessels exploring a town. It is none other then Kiviku and Glacera , the two brothers are in Kiviku's old home city of  Yulla and watching the mountain fire games. The two are in the opposite vessel of each other. They decided to watch as it had many interesting characters appearing that caught their attention. 

As the sit in the back seat in the highest row of a giant stadium built long ago just for the festival as the eat various amounts of food, seem to be a bit to much even for a gigalon. They go by shorten versions of their respective name,

Kivi ( So it seems they are gonna  hold a new event this year Cera.)

Cera ( mmm.)

Kivi ( It seems to be a sort of art competition for the new statue to be dedicated in my honor this year. They seem to put the requirements to have be double the size of a regular Gigalon, incorporate a mountain and or fire, and last which I personally like he must be ripped. Isn't that great to make my amazing appearance in such a modest light I shall bless those who have clearly captured by stature.)

Cera ( mmmmm...)

Kivi ( This is just great to see the city I grew up in and hold dear treat me so fine and with respect his can I ever not come and bless those who honor me so.)

Cera ( mmm.. Think you should look at the submissions before saying words.)

As Cera says that they reveal the first statue to the audience and its one Kiviku standing bold with his arms crossed across his chest. with a powerful mountain in the background of him. As they look from bottom to top both of the brothers show different facial reactions to the actual face of the statue. 

The face of the statue was so blank and round, as they look the crowd seems to really enjoy the statue but Kivi hakes a long face of confusion. while Cera was coughing a bit and laughing under his breath trying to contain it. Kivi was distraught at the view of it as he wasn't expecting such a result of the first submission. 

He shakes his head and thinks its just a fluke and awaits the next statue, Cera was finally catching his breath as he too is now excited for the rest of them. As the day progress Cera seems to be having a great time looking at all the "Creative " portraits of Kiviku. While Kivi stands against a wall bang his head into it over what he saw. 

Most of the submissions were similar to the first grand body then simple face or making him half mountain. Some made him into an ambiguous being laying on a mountain while others sculpted hid glasses with mountains in them one even making him out of used boots. 

At the end the Kivi convinces Cera to finally leave the stadium and look around the city as he could no long put hope in the peoples sense of art anymore that day. Kivi and Cera walk around to see that the house Kiviku was raised in as been made into a temple of fire and earth. When they enter the temple they actually see that ts also a museum in his honor and his descendants and their exploits. Stopping only at his great grand children, they look at artifacts and paintings the temple perseveres and even see a pair of his old glasses.

Kivi says under his breath ( I've been looking for those.)

Eventually they are told about the holy mountain which is considered a holy site and now one may enter expect the Saint themselves. As they finish the tour Kivi and Cera catch something at the corners of their eyes and turn to see a small Gigalon girl with a large drawing pad hiding behind a wall staring at the tow of them. She notices their gaze and quickly try to hide herself but leaves her tail out in the open. 

The two look at each other and nod walking away from the girls direction seeming to play dumb for now. As they walk along the girl follows them until the turn the corner into a open park with several large trees around it. as she quickly tries to catch up she turns the corner to see they disappeared and is quite confused but then feels a tap on her shoulder. Turning around quickly to see both of them smiling at her waving saying,

Kivi ( you seem to be following us for a moment now huh? )


Hearing this the two look at her then each other rand with a moment of silence break outing laughter at the situation.

Picasa looks generally confused at the turn of events but have a serious face and says 


The two go silent and then look at each other once again and then break out on laughter some more making Picasa puff up her cheeks in frustration at the two. Eventually they calm down and talk to her again.

Kivi ( Sorry about that little one phew.. Any ways you said you were going to be an artist right?)


Cera ( Hmmmmm. Moxie. Good.)

Picasa looks at Cera confused but Kivi quickly says,

Kivi ( Don't mind him he is a bit unique so you said you want to draw us right why is that?)

Picasa ( Because you two seem different than every other person I've seen so far?)

Kivi ( Different? How so do we looks so Different?)

Picasa then opens her drawing pad and shows them very detailed pictures of a piper and a gigalon, the a picture of them next to it. Picasa then speaks,

Picasa ( You two are different colors from all the others I seen so far and I've seen a lot for my dad is a guard to the city and lets brings me to the gate sometimes. Such as you are the only paled skin Gigalon I have ever seen and your hair is like that of silk from the tailors. Also you have very blue eyes and are quite then. While you are the first brown pier I've ever scene most are gray or white some even black but not brown. While you have eyes a red as Rubys and seem quite large for even the biggest Piber I've seen. )

The two were quite taken aback by the little quite very detailed observation and keen awareness. She only been looking at them for no more the 40 minutes but managed to get even the smallest of details in their racial traits. 

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