Evil and Deals

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As Zeke sleeps in his bed on the surface Hanlio the Hero of Waxer is in her private room she feels a sudden chill as her room is engulfed in darkness and is in another space. She looks around as she senses an unrivaled power and looks towards it and sees a Walker with a pure black and dark green aura smiling at her. The smile causes her to feel fear and death, she hasn't felt fear like this since fighting the Monster king. She then notices he being looks like one from then history text that was said to be truly feared and to be wary of. 

She then realized the name of this being and sweat appears on her for head causing her heart to race. 

Hanlio ( You you you are the the the Re re re Reaper.)

Doa ( Oh you know of me now do you oh Hero of WAXER!)

Hanlio feels fear the moment he said God Waxers name as she knows the two are mortal enemies and Waxer slain him in the beginning of days. But Hanlio didn't understand why he was now in front of her seeming stronger then ever. She tries to think of how to handle this mess she is in but nothing comes to mind one bit.

Doa ( Do you know why i have show my self to you oh Hero? Do you know huh? Huh? Huh?)

Hanlio ( Nnnnoonononon.)

Doa ( I have ascended to Godhood and decided to use my power torment those who worship Waxer. Starting with you the FIRST HERO OF MY OH SO LOVING ENEMY.)

Hanlio ( I will not fall to you no matter yoour your your your status.)

Doa ( Oh so brave little Hero of Waxey now feel despair !!)

Doa's power rushes Hanlio as she feels her body seems frozen in fear but then all of a sudden his attack is blocked by a new light as Hanlio looks to see a similar sized being Hanlio knows all to well. Waxer is now in front of her as she can move and seems to be back to normal as Waxer is Glaring at the giggling monster.


Doa ( Oh Waxey you are so touchy feely i'm just having fun with your little Hero no need to get all genocide on me.)

As the two gods get into another fist fight in this space Hanlio is now on her but watching the gods and is speechless at thier actions. Then as the two gods battle and are about to clash again a pair of hands land on top of the faces and throws them into invisible walls. Hanlio is speechless at the site and then a large gateway appears in between them and opens up to show a larger figure with dark eyes and black hair glaring at the two. Hanlio's eyes go wide as she recognized this god as the Upper god Infintino the right hand of The Great one. She tries to catch her breath as she read the story of Waxer and how he was guided by Infintino who is now in front of her. 

Infintino then using his power grabs the two fools by their necks and lifts them up to him and seems angry. 

Infintino ( Who allowed you two to start a fight in a sub space on the surface no less and mess with the destiny of A HERO WHO HAS MORE TO TELL!)

The two seem scared as they know the power of the Father of Space and stay quiet as he was just venting. Hanlio seems to be close to blacking out just from pure shock of what is happening But then Infintino looks at her and she freezes. He signs throws the two gods into the portal and looks at her and says,

Infintino ( You will tell no one of this if you value the rest of your life and those you would have told. But i will gift you some thing for this mess today.)

He waves his hand and she shines the fades to black as he walks out of the space as the portal closes after him.  She is now in her room once again and falls to the ground breathing heavy hunched over seeming tired ands drain as she looks at her hand with an Orb in it. Knowing its purpose to transport its selected user to anywhere they wish. The scene changes to a large wasteland on the western continent a young dread girl is running through it seeming to have a bag over her shoulder and seems to be chased by a group of dreads behind her.

The girl who is running away is named Wust and she is an orphan thief who just stole an entire gangs goods after breaking in to their base. She is trying to escape but is now running through the wasteland seeming to lose ground the longer she runs as they gang behind her seems to want to kill her. But she smiles and then a surprise sandstorm seems to engulf the waste land and the gang loses sight of her as they seem lost in the storm themselves.

She watches as she looks at the chumps from the stop of the sandstorm she is now riding escaping at a faster pace now. After a few hours of traveling by foot after the storm ended she is now in a house she found on a mountains base hidden in the rock. Wust enters the base and sets her treasure down and goes to her magic water well and eats a piece of jerky while making fun of the gang she just robbed. As she eats and reviews over the treasure she stole all of a sudden she senses something behind her and quickly turns around to see a Large robed figure in a skeleton mask with colorful designs on it. They had black eyes and a straw boater with a white band on it. The robe in black and white and seems to be looming over her. 

She backs up and seems on edge as she barely sensed this being and even managed to get right behind her. 

Wust ( Who are you and how did you find this place?)

??? ( No need for such wasted breath oh Wust the thief my name is Horcrux and i'm what you would call a spirit prince. But besides that i have found you quite interesting.)

Wust ( What do you mean by that Spirit prince and Interested in me i have never met you and yet you seem to know me very well.)

Horcrux ( Oh I know you like you know your self and want to make a deal with you. As I've seen you are a good thief but not a great one.)

Wust ( What do you mean I'm not a great one? Im unmatched in what I do. )

Horcrux ( Yes yes but wouldn't you like to be more then unmatched wouldn't you like to be legendary??)

Wust looks at the being with doubt in her eyes. Before she can say a word Horcrux forms raw magic in his hand and then shapes it into many different things. Wust watches with amaze at his power and keeps her eyes on him. Then he stretches out his hand and says,

Horcrux ( So lets make a deal ill give you the ability to steal anything you want. From jewels of the rich to paintings of the church I can make you able to do so.)

Wust ( What's the catch then nothing is free.)

Seeming to make a large creepy smile behind his mask he laughs and speaks once more,

Horcrux ( In this deal i want only one thing on your deathbed I want you to pledge marriage to me. That is all I want.)

Wust thinks to her self some more at the princes offer and doesn't understand why he wants marriage on her deathbed of all things. But is more interested in the power and then grabs his hand  and shakes it. As she does a strong magic seems to tie them together and a surge of info and magic enter her body followed by great pain. The last thing she sees is the mask of Horcrux laughing as her vision fades to black.

In the god realm Zivel looks down on the deal with great anger as he watches his child gain the ability of space which was stolen its self from Infintino.bHe sends a message to him as to stay out of the problem but asks for him to allow it for now as it seems to have more to it with the devilish spirit prince.

Well you died and are now GOD.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora