Helgon's Error

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Zeke who is now in anew body he named Zulu and light blue male seeker with one horn and mohawk. He makes his way to the temple gates and is then met by the guards as they ask him what is his purpose for visiting and what clan is he from. Zulu says his visit to see the boy who can see the truth and that he has a special shield that protects him from danger. He then goes on to say he is a vagabond that has no clan to claim or be claimed by pointing to his horn. They take him into custody and start to question him again and again to learn his real purpose as he repeats himself and stays calm and undeterred.

After being put into a cell for the night he then is brought in front of Helgon himself who is inspecting  the stranger in front of him. Helgon examines him and sees no aura at all on him and is quiet shocked by it. Most beings have a color but this is the first time he has seen no aura at all and is skeptical of him. Zulu then looks Helgon up and down then scuffs at him saying what's so special about this boy and he doesn't seem all like that at all. 

Helgon looks at the man and is insulted by the strangers words he walks forward and matches the strangers faces and then says,

Helgon ( For a man to look so vile has the gull to tell me that im not much is a great insult on to my way.)

Zulu ( I don't really care for your way if it makes you so unemotional and very sensitive to criticism.)

Helgon ( You keep insulting me but what do you have to be so high and mighty. What makes you better than every one else.)

Zulu  (  I am not better than you but you believe that you are better than me and now you still think that.)

Helgon ( I am not you I am above you I am the judge and I have to be above every one to stay fair and has ultimate justice.)

Zulu ( Ultimate justice you say and who makes this ultimate justice, who is the one that makes the rules for you to follow? Is it your own thoughts and rules.)

Helgon ( I follow what the gods approve and that is in stone.)

Zulu ( So you say the gods are the one who set the rules but which gods and what are the rules?)

Helgon ( You dare question the gods words and the one who passes the words on to the people.)

Zulu ( I do now tell me what gods gives you the right to pass the judgement on to every person including those who have done nothing.)

Helgon ( The Great god has given me this right to pass judgement and you have no right to question me.)

Zulu (  So you say that the great god he who rules over every god and life is the one who has approved of these pathetic trials with no order or fairness?)

Helgon looks at the man and glares at him fiercely and is angered by his remark and activates his eye and tries to pass judgement on to Zulu. But when he goes he still sees no aura and it enrages him to see some one spout nonsense and not make a color appear. He then passes judgement on to Zulu and decides to yell his verdict,

Helgon ( You have been found guilty for insulting the chosen one of the gods and now will be punished for this insult.)

Zulu ( Then why does your eye show you nothing you don't see black right but you passed judgement on me.)

Helgon looks at Zulu with a scared look and knows that Zulu can see the same thing as him, and  is sweating not knowing what Zulu knows. Helgon activates his shield and waits for Zulu to come near him. Zulu smiles at him and walks forward, Helgon feels some what better knowing no one can break his shield. Just as Zulu is about to come in contact Zulu walks through the shield shattering it and shocking everyone especially Helgon who has never had this happen to him before.

Zulu is now standing face to face with the shocked Helgon and smiles at him then delivers a punch to his face sending him flying into a wall and he hits the ground. Helgon tries to get up and recover but he feels pain and coughs. Zulu slowly walks up to him and starts to talk to him. Zulu mentions that he passed bogus judgement just like the elders he condemn, and made Helgon no better than them. 

Helgon looks at Zulu and he then realizes he made judgement with personal bias and not facts to thinking about it. Helgon looks at his hands and is disgusted by his actions and his actions up to a certain point. Zulu looks at him and says the gods are not angry at his actions yet but if he wants to return to his former self or improve from it, he must remember his fathers words. Helgon looks at Zulu and doesn't understand how he would know his fathers words. He then gets a revelation to his mind and realizes Zulu is more than what he looks. 

Zulu smiles at Helgon and then tells him to pass fair judgement and not biased ones then he will please the great God. Zulu then turns around and starts to make his way out of the temple knowing the message that he delivered to Helgon. Helgon watches at Zulu leaves the temple with out saying anymore words and then fading into the forest the temple is surrounded by and disappears into the forest.

Zeke returns to his throne and watches as Helgon starts to sit in his room and  reading over scrolls about the gods he got from the temple library. Helgon learns the history of the gods thatches been recorded and what they stand for. Helgon starts to write long scrolls of rules he must follow and laws for all the seekers to learn and live by. Not restricting them to oppression but to make them safer and let justice rule and not corruption. 

Zeke forwards time some years later so that he can see if anything interested happens while it keeps moving forward. Then as the years pass Viota's Seeker body dies, and the couple Tiamo has been watching has become great merchants and have large family. Barluna and Solusa have settled onto then Gigalons content and us teaching them other things they can do making a large caravan of Giaglons who travel between all the groups.

Sequoia and her followers have made a town for which she leads and its based on nature and life the Magistars also started to change as their hair becomes green and eyes Yellow over the generations. The Zeke gets a notification that catches his attention and makes his heart start beating fast.

[ Solusa and Barluna have past away.]

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