First steps, Blessings and Wanderer

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Deora the city lord is an old sailor and captain of the large town and daughter to the late lord, she has been lord for 10 years now and has been in good stance with her people and the ships that come through. Now standing infant of her is a being she has never seen before, She was alerted of the being when a ship sailing now flags was seen and was expected it to be a pirate but only had one being on it. She then asked for the description of the being and is told it looks nothing like any of the races seen before. She storms to the docs and looks out a telescope and sees a being with Tan skin short dreaded hair and bandages all around its body as if it was injured. 

What caught her the most about this being is that it has Long ears that she has never seen before at all. She tells the port workers to help the being as if may be injured but to stay on guard knowing it may be a monster she's been hearing stories about from the east. When they get on the dock its stands as tall as Walkers and seems lean and a bit aged. She then walks up to the being and begins to speak but it seems confused at my her words she then gets an idea and takes out a pendant and hands it to the being and motions to wear it over the neck. They do so and begin to speak,

??? ( Hello what does this weird talisman do?)

Deora ( I see it works  that is the pendent of the sun it uses magic to translate intent and words to the listeners. I am Lord Deora Fondlea I rule this port town and must know if you are friend or foe and what exactly are you?)

Zola( Names Zola and I'm a dread I came sailing from the land of sand and fire, and I am no foe to you I sailed this direction trying  to find a new land to wander and explore. It seems I did but wasn't expecting for it to be inhabited already.)

Deora ( What exactly is a Dread that you call your self you don't look like any being I have ever scene before at all. And the land of sand and fire? Is that an island of some sort or a nation you call home?)

Zola ( It is no island but stands many mountains and has many cities and towns in it ruled by the emperor and his family since the dawn of our people. All dreads are similar to me but range in some details determine what part of the land you are from but none of them look like any of you. Are you Monster kins of the sort? Your towns are so different from my own.)

Deora ( No most of the beings here ancestors were created by the gods and my own race was blessed by the gods when one of use stopped a war long ago. Now I have many questions for you so if you would like to come back to my residences and discuss some matters with me about this Land of sand and fire.)

Zola ( As long as you can give me some food and water yourself and I would gladly follow you there.)

Zola then follows Deora and company to her home in the center of the city and he is down at a table eating his share of food and drink while Deora is giving a message to a Walker and telling them to report to her majesty. Zola then starts to ask about how long did it take him to reach this port and did he track the path he took to to come. Zola says yes he did and told her about his trip and how he just ran out of food when he saw the port. He also is asked if he would like to see a healer about his wounds and mentions the bandages. Zola laughs softly and explains that those bandages are apart of his peoples way and what they mean. Deora apologizes for her rude question but he says its okay she didn't know.

Finally she mentions what gods do they follow and how do they worship them, Zeke on the inside knows that the Dreads have barely discovered the gods much beside for a handful of them and religion is not even a thing yet for them. Then back as Zola he says he knows nothing of these gods shes mentioned many times and say that the people of his home have no knowledge of the gods let alone what the words mean. Deora looks at him shocked and was thinking he was a heretic but doe not sense any ill intent coming from so she asks him to come to the church with her tomorrow and she will explain further, he agrees normally knowing he has to make sure no crusades happen cause of him let alone in his name.

Well you died and are now GOD.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora