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*Seraphine's POV*

I can't believe I done that. It is true in ways, I do worry for him and feel bad when he's upset I do have a connection with him, despite my constant denial, but love is a strong word. Maybe some day I will truly love him, after all, it's obvious that I'll be with him the remainder of my life. I'm not going to ever be able to get away without him or some other demon searching for me it seems. Yeomorah, his son, possibly even Ezekiel who I can't bring myself to trust. My dad! My own dad. It's better this way though, to just submit to it.

Besides, I am lonely. I'm pregnant and confused. Here though, it's safer for us. The baby will have more than just me to teach and protect it. To love it. If I am killed or die, it'll have Nox and our families to look after it. If I run now, anything could happen. I can't risk it. The portal was so tempting when I seen it wavering. I knew I could have escaped right there, but heaven knows what was on the other side. At this point, I am used to people pushing me around and being cold. I've dealt with it ny entire life. I have concluded that my compliance here might get Nox and his family to favor me as well, I could really use that support system in addition to mom, Axar and Alexavier.
If he could only treat me how he had yesterday and the day we returned here, I could be happy like this.

"Seraphine, may I sit here?" I look up to see Ezekiel looking to me anxiously. I sigh and set my fork down.

"You may." He sits eagerly and offers me a little bouquet of greenery tied with a stem. I manage to smile.

"I'm glad you like them. I picked them this morning. I always forget the beauty of this realm. I only wish the flowers were in bloom." He hum hauls around and I finish eating, listening for him to address the elephant in the room. "You don't truly want him do you? He's insufferable. I've been caught up by Ivara, and she has filled me in on everything. So, why Seraphine?"

"It's better this way, for everyone involved. I'm already expecting, and I can't just run away. How would I work and support myself like this? I'm a monster, and I'm pregnant. It's not good for the baby to live in the streets as I did after first leaving from dad-"

"Can we walk please? I'd like to talk in private. We'll stroll outside together. Let me get you a coat and shoes." He leaves without awaiting an answer. He doesn't seem to have ill intent at the moment, so I decide to listen and give him a chance.

He slides the coat over me and I tske the shoes from him for fear he'll insist on putting those on me too. I can still do for myself. We walk through the house together, and out the door. I feel dwarfed by him as we move in sync, side by side and I notice a little spot under his eye.

"You noticed? We share that. None of the other children, grandchildren or great grandchildren share that with me. You seem to favor me more than any, even with that absurd green hair."

"I like green." I shrug. He laughs.

He watches my steps like a hawk as I tread the stone path around the massive house with him. If there's any dampness from recently melted snow or objects in our path he quickly moves me around them or removes them from my path. His coordination is impressive, he glides me over the obstacles as he continues to make eye contact and tell me about our family history and his past. We do several laps, and he often picks on me either imitating a pregnant waddle or pulling a low overhead branch to his head to mock my green hair.

"It's only recently moving some, I'm not even big enough to waddle!" I scold and shove at him. To my shock he falls back and groans, but quickly catches himself before he lands and straightens himself. "What kind of sorcery is that?" I gasp in amazement.

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