The One.

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        Narius and I get plenty of looks as we walk the street together. Women double take and sneak peeks at us as we stride in sync. Our brotherhood is obvious, we share a similar build,  sunkissed skin, and similar facial features. Though my eyes are a light green, where his are hazel. My hair is also a shade darker. Narius is always clean shaven, and well groomed down to the beds of his nails. Metrosexual as he is, he always goes impeccably dressed, soaking in all of the attention he can gather. I prefer a short jawline beard or stubble, and casual dress. I like to melt into the crowd.

         "Up ahead! There." I gesture towards her apartment complex and Narius groans.

          "We have to go in there?" I shoot him a look.

           "I'm certain you'll survive. We have endured worse." He huffs in disdain, but follows me. Once into the halls of the complex we disappear to walk undetected. We make our way to Sera's door and we listen to the sounds inside.

        Being that it is early morning, and still dewy outside, the pair are still asleep. We quietly let ourselves in. A bundle of Sera's belongings are neatly stacked on the couch, and scissors sit on the bathroom counter, with a few errant nutmeg curls in the trash can. The boy sleeps in the biggest pajamas no doubt that Sera had, and she sleeps in hers beside him sharing the only bed and bedding she has. The tall lanky kid has tucked himself into the fetal position, curled under Seraphine's neck and against her belly. He smells fragrant and his hair is more golden and and has a neat, more refined shape with bouncier curls. She cut his hair and had him bathe. The house exudes nothing but appreciation and hope.

         Sera holds to him as a mother would. In the kitchen I can see that she fixed the best of wh as t she could to feed him. Narius slinks around, smelling and touching objects and stealing curious glances at the pair. He approaches Sera and touches her head. His eyes widen and he looks her over and touches her head once more.

        "Cambion. She is a cambion, but she smells human. She has vital signs where many do not. Perhaps she is only partial? Does she realize she's not human? I mean, this is my only guess. I will watch her with you today, to see if she shows signs of anything else." He watches her intently as she softly snores. "The maternal bond with this Banhee is odd too. Typically we either use them or eat them. I haven't seen a male one in years though. Livienne would love him."

        "I don't believe she has any clue. When she attacked that girl I was telling you about, she was just as surprised as I. I don't think she realized that she had bruised me last night either. If she isn't a human, then why doesn't she feed? Why doesn't she understand or feel anything unnatural like her powers?"

       "You did say she was loner type. That she had no known friends and she had trouble socializing. Humans are fight or flight beings when they recognize a threat. Even though she doesn't realize it, they could be treating her differently based on the body's subconscious reaction to her. The old woman who mistreated her for only helping. Her manager who despised her. Her boyfriend who cheated and was obviously abusive. Her father who you said in memories neglected her. The church that wouldn't let her come in when she was homeless after leaving home. You said she mentioned to you that she felt ignored by God. Perhaps somewhere inside of her, deeply suppressed, she knows she doesn't belong." I had never thought of it, but now it makes sense. Such a humble girl should never have such trouble. She bothers nobody, only helps and yet people love to lash out at her. She could likely sway them, if she knew how, but she has no clue of her abilities let alone how to use them.

      "That all makes sense. She is quite humble and well mannered, and even those she helps turn on her. Do you think this longing to belong could be why she bonded to me quickly and was so eager to please?"

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