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             *Seraphine's POV*

              I scream, startled. The flesh across my shoulders searing as it tears away. I was so close, so close to this giant man who had set his sights on Axar. I fight to fling whoever us on my back away, desperate to reach Axar in time. He's just a child, not even old enough to drive! He shouldn't be here. This man has an ominous, sinister vibe about him that he commanded the room just by entering it. I don't have to guess what his intentions towards Axar are. Free of the pest on my back I leap onto this man's shoulders and I hit him with everything in me, as quickly as I can.

           I can feel myself being pried away from him as I let lose with as much force as I can muster, fluttering the man to turn to me. It's a horrible situation I find myself in, but in that moment I see Axar run for Alexavier. He was pale as a ghost as he made his departure. My heart warms as I know that he should be safer now. If only I could get myself out of this mess I've put myself and child in.

        I manage to avoid the blow to my face by this man, only to be slammed to the floor by the one who grabbed me from his back. I land on my knees, having managed to turn my less nimble body around just in time to protect my belly. I aim to grab at the legs of the man and sweep him off balance, but I recognize his attire. Dread seizes me as my gaze lingers up to the father of my child.

          I knew this was a possibility, but I had thought I could get to Yeomorah in time to prevent the inevitable. I set back onto my haunches, deciding my next move when he swings at me, claws out. He studies me intently as I jump out of reach and try to back away, not wanting to hurt my Nox. As I backtrack, I try to keep an eye out behind me and on the location of Axar. Yeomorah is wise though in Noxodius's body, he knows that I wouldn't fatally harm him.

           "Just let him go, please." I plead into the crimson eyes of Yeomorah. It wrenches my gut to see such soulless eyes stare back at me from Nox's body. "Whatever problems you have with Ezekiel is not his fault, or even mine. I don't know you outside of this. I don't understand why you would go to so much trouble to harass an imbecile as you have called me. An imbecile who has never brought harm to you." He snorts.

          "You see, I can't do that. That bastard you carry has to die. Ezekiel's bloodline deserves eradication. Your family is a fucking disease. I need you, still though. I need everyone here, Itara. Yes, I know you by name. I need everyone here to help me with my own little problem, darling. You aren't the only one with father issues." He winks.

           "I don't understand." Something clicks. "That man! Is he your father?"

           "Lucid little one, aren't we? Yes, yes he is. He's going to kill your family, but he might get injured in the process. He's going to kill everyone but you. You'll die by Noxodius's hands. It'll send him over the edge when I relinquish him. He and Nomias will band together to destroy my father, but I will have him by then...but that's enough about me." He reaches towards my stomach and I wrench his arm away and I run trying to buy myself time to think.

           I weave and dodge through the mosh pit of dueling bodies, searching for Yeomorah's. I need to force him back into his own form for self defense. It was hard for me to run another body, so I curled up in that cage. I'm fairly certain that he will be hiding or guarded here somewhere, so he can protect himself while controlling Nox. Even though he is powerful, and could like run both, he has to be a bit blemished from his bout with Ezekiel and Narius.

         I spot him, aiding his father with Ezekiel. Alexavier working with Ezekiel now. Mileva and Ivara have Axar in the corner, uses his screams to aid them in taking out the newest guards. Nehemiah pursues Lucien in the center of the room. I pick up a bar that had been busted from the wall and I set my sights on Yeomorah's legs. I make a sharp turn, trying to lose Nox as I take advantage of the chaos around us to slip up on Yeomorah.  Nox is fast though, and in seconds he is almost upon me. I hit my knees behind Yeomorah, tearing skin as I thrust the bar up between Yeomorah's legs as hard as I can. He turns to me, but not in time to protect himself as the bar hits target. A low blow can bring even the most powerful to their knees, and I don't care if it's underhanded I will take full advantage. I raise the bar again, slamming his legs anywhere I can get as he rumbles in rage.

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