Mr. Sandman.

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           We studied late into the night. Axar yawning loudly and thumbing pages furiously as his young mind worked to retain every word he could. We passed the books back and fourth between us two, sharing the knowledge they held between us and arguing points out loud. We sit sprawled on the couches, books shroud the floor.

      I sift through my journal of notes and contacts until I find the name of a banshee. Barima! About time! I had nearly forgotten about the woman's existence until I read her name. In notes are her coordinates. We will set out for her in the morning to see of she can mentor or help Axar decipher what he is sensing. Most banshees or hees will have visions later on in life, though I'm not sure what age this typically starts.

        "I found a banshee. In the morning, I will take you to her to see if we can barter for her help. In the meanwhile, it is getting late go find Sera. She's cooking for you both. There is a room next to Sera's if you'd like to sleep there."

        "Thank you! I really hope she can help me. Did you find anything for Sera?"

         "A few things, nothing grand. I intend to mostly go off what I know."

        "Did you find chocolate?" I sigh. I'm not getting out of this. I thought he'd forget it by now.

        "I will go get it soon, and surprise her. Don't worry."

        "Just don't forget. I like spending time with you and I don't want her mad at you forever. She might not let us come back." He whines. I'm restless and be coming hungry again. I'm a man of little patience, even less when I'm even mildly inconvenienced. I urge the kid to go to Sera while I gather my bearings.

        Once he's out of my hair I pace for a moment. I've got her here now, and I'm dying for her. I can't hold off forever. I could leave to feed, but it's not the same. Nobody I've drank from, stole energy from or even slept with has been enough since her. I replay our moments together and the hunger flares with vengeance. 

        I'll take the kid's advice. He is my ticket to her after all. I'll woo her through my actions with the kid. I'll make them sleep, leave to retrieve whatever peace offerings scorned women prefer, then set them by her door. I'll actually enter her dreams tonight and feed then let her be. I turn to the door, determined. That's it. Just enough energy to keep me calm until I get win her over again. I could just manipulate her, but I'd have to work the boy too and possessing two at once would expend as much energy as I could consume safely.

           I continue to pace until they finish their meal. Axar scurries back for a book and cautiously asks for a hug.

        "I don't know if I can even sleep tonight. I'm so excited! Thank you! I'm going to read some more, if you'll let me take a book with me?" Oh, you are gonna sleep kid. I catch his eyes in the hug and his pupils widen as I trap him into my gaze.

"You are a sleepy boy, a big boy. With your own nice new bedroom." I turn him and place his book in his hand. "You sleep in your nice new bedroom. Hug mommy goodnight." I smirk as he stumbles away rubbing his eyes. I make a mental note to find something nice for him as well. He's growing on me, like a house dog you never wanted but it's so affectionate and persistent that you eventually accept it's love.

         I read his mind, just to be sure he was going to sleep and in his own room.  I could hear Sera cleaning up as he have her a goodnight hug.

        "I love you momma." Sera squeezes him tightly and kisses his head. Warmth spreads through him and he sighs contentedly.

         "I love you too! So much! My door is already open, I'll be there after I clean up-"

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