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            In no time at all, Nomias enters the room, taking a seat near Yeomorah and lazily crosses his legs. He looks quite pleased with himself, especially as he gazes over at Seraphine who still is acting her part perfectly. She even evades his eye contact in faux shame. Fast behind him enter Narius and Livienne. She raises her chin to snub Seraphine as she goes to the traitors' side of the large room.

          "Nomias, please, can you elaborate on this strange situation? I was under the impression you'd all arrive together or have the decency to contact me at the very least."

         "I had intended to arrive tonight, with everyone together, but this little mutt decided to attack my grandson's mate. After her despicable actions, she ran like she always does to avoid confrontation. I thought after all my hospitality and training her, she'd both be more courageous and respectful." Livienne is smug as she sneers. Seraphine is probably livid at his words, but manages to keep her emotions in check and her act going. Her dedication not to break character at the moment is impressive.

         "I would have killed her, had she not been pregnant and had Nox not come running to save her." Livienne defends. Sera sniffles and looks up.

         "I'm so sorry Livienne. Really. Do you know how to heal? Have you tried healing your face?" She asks, voice laced with a mocking guilt that sounds so innocent but set's Livienne's ego ablaze.

        No question about it, she had already tried to heal her face. It's one thing to heal from other demon attacks, but Nephilims are physically in a league of their own. Nomias stands to stare down Seraphine, and Sera tilts her head and trembles. I do not miss that she held his eyes. She looks down afterwards to the folded hands in her lap, hiding her dilated eyes behind the silky green curtain of hair. Did she just get Nomias? What is she doing?

        "Do you still wish to carry out our deal for her, Nomias? You know how pissed I get when people back out on me." Yeomorah's creaky voice is heavy with boredom and suspicion towards Nomias. Nomias throws his hands up.

         "Of course. She might not be entirely worth it, but my great grandson is. This is why I brought Ezekiel here, to extend an olive branch. I would never cross you, my old friend."

         "Actually Nomias, you never quite told me why I needed to accompany you here." Ezekiel clears his throat. I stifle a chuckle at Nomias's flustered face. He never thought how to explain this part. Common sense really, considering Ezekiel wasn't supposed to be in our our plan. We were only told to bring him. Ezekiel is taking full advantage of playing dumb, just like we had discussed.

          "You see, Ezekiel, being your grand daughter, I thought you might want to assist me in bargaining for her life and freedom here. She's very much in love with my grandson Noxodius, and though she can never be accepted into the family, we owe it to her unborn child to bargain for her. This child is special."

          "Then I want it. It's only fair. I work out a deal with Yeomorah, for you to spare the woman. You give her to Noxodius and I get the child upon it's birth. We both know I've seen better days, Nomias. I need this special child." Ezekiel provokes.

          "The child is the only reason I'm doing this!" Nomias snarls.

          "Then why am I here? What's in this for me? That bastard's father and whore cursed my family." He thrust a giant finger at Yeomorah. "I'm weak now. I'm a dying man. I've better things to do. I have family and things I enjoy. I do not know this girl, pardoning her from here to hand her to your grandson all sounds like it benefits your family. What's in this for me?" Nomias exchanges a look with Yeomorah, who comes to save him.

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