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          It is summer again, the months have flown by since Seraphine so valiantly pushed our son into the world. The sun beams overhead and a gentle breeze whistles through the branches of lush trees. Noxodion is shaded at his mother's breasts, having pulled up to nurse. I watch our boy as he feeds on wobbly legs, like a little fawn. His hands clutching Sera's blouse and his favorite lock of hair. A grey checked blanket is spread beneath us, and a basket of foods Seraphine I repaired sits opened from our lunch.

          I had suggested a picnic to lighten her mood. She has been down hearted all morning since Axar went to stay the week Ezekiel. He's becoming quite smitten with females, and he begged me in private for a week away from mama Sera's watchful eye. Seraphine is still not completely trusting of Ezekiel alone with the kids, and her nerves have been frayed every since. She believes he is pulling away, and worries he feels left out. The reality is that he is getting older, and Seraphine's suffocating him with her love and constant affection. I had to get aggressive with her to get her to let him go.

          My family's sudden interest in Noxodion and attempts to visit have shaken her up as well. She has zero trust in any of them, and she stands guard by them when they play with the baby. Not even letting them leave the room with him. My mother is devasted that she cannot have him over to sit him, but nobody presses the subject. All in silent agreement, and fear of Seraphine's wrath. She would fight till her death before she allowed a solitary soul to leave with the boy. I practically had to pry Axar from her over protective claws.

        I was glad to have a little privacy though, there has been very little privacy for Seraphine and I lately. With one less set of eyes, I figured I could make the most of it. I eye Seraphine's marvelous figure as she nibbles on a pretzel, almost unphased by the tiny titty monster nursing below.

         He pops the breast out and smiles at me, a milk mustache on his mouth. His hair is dark as mine, and a shaggy on top with a little raven lock touching his brow. His eyes are also mine, jade and golden in the sun. He inherited his mother's freckles and small birthmark under his eye. He has been crawling into everything, pulling up on anything he can get his hands on. He babbles at me and I know what he wants. Daddy's demon. He gets delighted when he sees my other form. He loves the horns and eyes, and has even grabbed my face and thrusted those wee fingers into my mouth to snag a tooth.

           I let him have my form, unsure if he can see it at will yet or not. Most his incubi tendencies will hit later on in life, but I have little to no knowledge on children of any species. This is all entirely foreign to me. I rely on Seraphine for most things parenting or child related. He laughs out loud and crinkles his nose and eyes, but what he does next stuns us both. I crouch low on the blanket, acting as if I might pounce on him and he let's go of his mama and he wobbles on shaky legs to me. My mouth hangs and Seraphine hovers close behind with an enormous grin. Nerves flexing as she stalks him, ready to seize him up should he lean the wrong way or lose balance. I go to my knees, leaning out with outstretched hands awaiting him. He finally makes it, gibbering all the way in broken bits of words and syllables I don't quite comprehend. Sera swears this is normal. He takes my hands to steady himself and I lift him up as Seraphine dotes and praises his first steps.

         Her eyes are glowing with love as she takes us in, and I spend too much time just staring at her. I motion her to sit closer to me, and we lay down on the blanket with Noxodi between us, pet name courtesy of his mother. He walks a few steps back and fourth in the small space between us before curling up against her stomach and falling asleep.

         "You look good enough to eat, lover." I emphasize that later word as I trail a clawed finger down the bit of exposed skin on Seraphine's side. She pulls the hand to her face and kisses it.

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