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          Dawn settles above us now, casting an angelic glow across Seraphine's features. Soft amber light catches her emerald hair and creatures littke golden streaks. Perfection. Absolutely otherworldly. Even in her pajama pants and hoodie she looks ravishing. I can't help sigh in content as we walk together, bellies full of human food and bodies full of energy. Mine coming alive since feeding from Sera. I'm also admittedly a little full of myself. Now that the initial panic of Sera leaving me has been resolved, I let myself feel smug at her blatant display of jealousy earlier.

         We are both nervous for what will soon transpire. Now though, I understand how much my words had stung her. If I were on my own right now, I'd be a mad man. Having her at my side and knowing that she believes in me is what keeps me motivated. I only hope that my jabs earlier didn't take the wind from her sails.

          We agree to wait at our house, knowing that Axar will suggest them to find Seraphine there. I manage to talk Seraphine into lying with me and sleeping while I guard and await her family's arrival. My hands find her stomach on their own accord and they massage and worship the growing swell. In her sleep she wraps around one of my arms.

         The atmosphere of the house changes and I do not have to see them to know they have made it here. Ezekiel's evergy reads much different than most. No doubt, they are here looking for her. A large shadow falls over Seraphine's silken sheet clad figure, and I look up to see a furious Ezekiel.

        "Why are you here with her?" He asks directly.

        "I love her. I wasn't letting her leave until she understood that she is my one and only. She wanted me to stay with her. Sit down if you'd like, we've been expecting you." He leers at me before taking a seat in one if many chairs in the room. The other three follow him in, Ivara lingering at his side as she scowls in disapproval at me. I knead my fingers through Seraphine's scalp as I smirk at her.

        "So..." Ivara starts. "Where do we go from here now?" Seraphine stirs and I hold her in place. Sleep.

         "Seraphine has devised her own plan. You see, Sera can now possess a body. The others do not know this. Sera intends to infiltrate Yeomorah's side by possessing key people, until she is able to get close enough to possess Yeomorah himself. If she can possess him, she will disorient him enough that Ezekiel can finish him off."

         "Go on." Ezekiel urges.

         "If this plan fails, and Yeomorah trues to possess me to turn on my own,  Seraphine will possess me and give him a time over it. It takes lots energy and focus to operate two bodies at once."

         "Meaning while he is distracted by Seraphine over your body, that we can take advantage of the moment if we are close enough to him to assist Ezekiel in killing him." Axar chimes. I nod at the boy.

         "You, should you fight with us, be careful. Sera is a forgiving being, but she would never forgive me should you get hurt."

         "I want to help. She's been training with me, and I think I could handle some of his men on my own. I will do my best to stay safe, I don't want her mad at me either."

         "I wouldn't be mad at you. Only worried. I know you can handle yourself..." Seraphine sits up, moving my hands from restraining her. "But I still am responsible for your well being. Just as much as I am my other boy." She pats her stomach. "I make no difference in you two." Axar beams at his mother. I wonder if that had been a concern of his.

         "I make a difference." Alexavier laughs. "I think Axar will always be ny pick. No offense, but one Noxodius is bad enough. I'm not going to babysit this little guy when he comes out." Sera chucks a pillow at him.

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