Aura of Death.

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I hold myself back, as Seraphine enters first quickly putting away perishable items and separating her breads out to freeze. Her ability to survive on next to nothing, and her ingenuity still amaze me just as much as her contentment with it. She often looks right at me, or rather through me but redirects her gaze. How can she not know what she is? Does she not feel the superiority to humans around her? The powers that lies dormant within her body? She keeps some food out and begins to make a lunch with what she has. Axar watches excitedly, and helps whenever he can. Sera glances up in my direction once more.

"You two." She points. "Do you intend to speak or stay for dinner?" My jaw hangs agape and Narius quirks a brow at her.

"You can see us?" He asks.

"Yes. Noxodius, and you whoever you are. It's customary among mortals to introduce yourself while in another's home." Narius glares and I stifle a laugh. Axar takes a moment to understand what's going on.

"I am Narius." He materializes and I do the same and flank him as he reaches to shake her hand.

"Seraphine. Nice to meet you." They shake and I can see him trying to get a read on her.

"Seraphine because you are seraphic?" He winks at her. She tilts her head in confusion and Axar pulls his newly acquired 'mother' back from Narius.

"I do not know. You'd have to ask my father." She replies.

"He named you?"

"Yes. He didn't for a long time, he once said, but he finally decided on this when I was nearing two. He had originally planned to give me up for adoption..." She becomes uncomfortable and doesn't finish.

"It's a beautiful name, and fitting. An interesting concept too! Typically a mother names her children, with only input from the father."

"I don't know where my mom is. I never knew her." The room is silent at this revelation, as we already have a good hunch of why she never knew her. If her mother is mortal as I expect, she either died or went mad after prolonged contact with Sera's father.

"Seraphine." I redirect her attention to me. She raises her chin in defiance as she reluctantly acknowledges me.

"Noxema?" Narius loses it and cackles loudly. Axar also smiles a wry smile.

"I see your humor has returned. Do you realize what you are Sera?"

"Other than crazy, no." She dismisses me with a wave of hand.

"We believe you are cambion, Sera. You shouldn't see the things you are capable of. Or be able do the things you have. You aren't human." I try. She looks at me like I had grown another head.

"What even is that? Is that what Axar is too?" She inquires.

"No. He is a Banhee." Axar nods.

"I found out just months ago. I...well...I thought I was cursed or a bringer of death. Everyone around me dies. I didn't understand. I was finally adopted by a nice family, and their daughter was sickly. I left them an apology note and ran away. I couldn't live if I made her sickly or caused her death." He looks down in guilt. "I met a gypsy lady who lives under the bridge just outside of town. She knew what I was and told me that I never caused any of this, only that I can sense it."

"Did you know what I was?"

"I knew you weren't normal either. At the park, you helped a man who tripped and when he thanked you, you held his arm for a moment. Your eyes were really black. I didn't understand why, but you never seemed aggressive so I thought you would be safe to come too."

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