Green Eyed Monster.

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I could tell by the energy in the air that this was going to end badly. It was a combustible situation from the very start. Now she is livid, and I have a very unpredictable Seraphine in the living room standing guard over her giant adopted baby. She was suspicious of Barima from the very beginning and I am curious to see how she reacts to a furious Barima. I trail Barima while being invisible so she cannot see or hear me.

Barima snatches a knife from the kitchen and hides it up her sleeve. I grin to myself. What are you planning to do with that, Barima? Barima enters the living area casually now, trying to mask her rage. Sera sensed her though before her shadow ever hit the doorway and watches her every move. Sera is already wondering where I am. Barima looks anxiously over her shoulder, then nears the couch on Axar's side.

She lunges for Axar's arm and Sera slams her away. I smell blood as I see red dribble from Sera's shoulder. She stabbed her. Sera jumps before her, blocking the shocked and frightened boy.

"You wanna see what our kind can do little boy?" Barima sneers. She opens her mouth to release a powerful wail. Sera moves herself and Axar aside, not seeming to be stunned as Narius was by Axar's cry. Barima chuckles and stalks towards the duo. Sera steps chest to chest with her, eyes darkening as she stares up at the slightly taller woman.

"Back off. Leave the kid alone. I am not sure what your problem is, but you can take it up with an adult. I'm not trying to fight you. Do not touch me again."

"You think you are brave? You think you can hang with a banshee?" The woman slaps Sera's face with force that would likely break a human's neck. "You can't handle me bitch. Step down and let me have the boy." Sera's eyes are completely obsidian now.

Barima opens her mouth to produce another violent scream and Sera snatches her jaw and holds it open. Barima pries frantically at Sera's claws but can't budge her iron grip. Sera jerks the jaw harshly and quick, the loud popping sound only muted by Barima's cries of agony. Sera slings her to the side and walks to Axar, now normal eyed again and worried about having scared the boy. This is all the opportunity Barima needed as she rushes Sera's retreating back with her knife in hand. Sera senses her and bends backward to catch her and slam her down in one of the most bizarre moves I've ever seen.

Barima lands violently on her head, neck angled awkwardly. Blood gushes from her forehead and the knife falls. Sera produces a weird low whine as her hands shake. She tries to tear away the hold she has on Barima, but she can't let go. Horns, claws and teeth have emerged now as Sera shakes her head and struggles. She mounts the back of the little green eyed monster who's jealousy started this. She has secured her head in a lock, one hand travels along Barima's temple. Feeding. She is feeding again. I silently materialized and pull Axar to me, so he cannot see what I know is about to happen.

Sera continues this weird spastic battle, body jerking as her control goes back and fourth. Tears coat her face as she relents and dips her head to Barima's. Her long forked tongue slips out and laps the blood from Barima's temple. She involuntarily moans and a light rumble breaks her chest. Barima's terror fills the air around us as she realizes her mistake. Sera might be a half breed, but she is the Devil we don't know. She has underestimated her and pushed too far.

Sera's restraint so far is impressive. I lull Axar into a trance so he cannot hear what is about to go down. Seraphine is so lost in hunger she has not noticed us on the far side of the room. Barima whines and gurgles beneath Sera and I can watch the predatory instinct take over the human in Sera that had worked so bad to hold it back. She latches into the side of Barima's throat and guzzles avidly. Not losing a drop.

Barima's cries fade as her body convulses violently, color draining from her golden skin. She tries so hard to free herself, but Sera holds her with slightest of ease. Almost a mockery of Barima's strength and desperation. Long oxblood nails scratch and dig into the carpet leaving little paths where her fingers receded. Sera has drained her completely now. No vital signs are present and Barima is grey and dull, withered beneath a very vibrant Seraphine.

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