The Missing Piece. *triggers at the end*

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*Seraphine's POV*

Dad cackles with amusement which makes me raise my brows in question. What the fuck is so funny? I'm exhausted, my head is pounding and I'm utterly confused. Nox keeps eyeing me strangely. I feel like I'm under a microscope.

"This is fucking perfect! Ha! Two birds with one stone." Nox seems frustrated as he quickly adds.

"Please elaborate."

"They were halved. An exchange of powers. Now you have two pieces of Seraphine. Technically Barima became part of Seraphine once absorbed. That's why her body didn't want to expel her. Now we have two nephilim-human-succubi-banshees. Plus sides are one, Seraphine should be easier for you to control now. And now she's basically useless to Ezekiel. She's only half her former self now."

"Controlled? I don't think so. Useless to who? I'm sorry, but who is Ezekiel?" I blurt before anybody else can reply to him. Nox eyes me nervously, Axar chews his lip, and Barima has yet to let go of my hand. She squeezes reassuringly. I never expected such gratitude and compassion from a woman I wronged so intensely.

"Ezekiel is your grandfather, mother's side." Samael says simply.

"What would he want with me?"

"To use you. Your mother wanted to give you to him to kill, basically." He shrugged.

"Why didn't you hand me over? You've always hated me. You would've been free of having to deal with me."

"You're master said the same thing." I didn't think twice before I punched him in the face.

He moved to swing on me and Barima dove on him. She was ferocious as she pummeled him. I caught him getting ready to retaliate and I pinned his arm. Nox and Axar immediately broke us all up, standing protectively in front of us. When did he and Noxodius discuss this? Where was I? How did those two even find one another? Too many missing pieces to the puzzle that's stumped me all day. Barima held me protectively, as I stared at her in awe.

"You're right. I should've let her have you. She cried and grabbed at your little legs with bloody hands and I beat her unconscious. I took you far, far away from her. She hasn't laid eyes on you since. She never loved you either."

"Then why are you here? What business have you and Noxodius?"

"I'm here to make sure you stay. You are safe here, out of my hair and unobtainable to your mother." Who even is my mother? I know he won't tell me, so I don't ask. I'll find out on my own.

"You don't get to decide where I stay, or where I don't."

"You're right. Your master does."

"Mother is lucky to have rid herself of the burden of you. As terrible a father you are, you must be ten times as bad a lover. You know she has upgraded." I smile at him. Barima snickers. Axar dances a little in mockery. Nox shoots me a look.

"Sera, Barima, Axar to the car. We'll catch up." I'm so freaking sick of being told what to do. I open my mouth to protest, but Barima grabs my hand and leads me away as Axar brings up the rear. Everyone is strange. So strange. Why is Barima so chummy all of a sudden? Why is everyone insisting I stay here? Don't I have a job? I did. Was I or was I not in an accident? Why do I feel so terrible? I don't mind Barima's affevtion, but all else is troubling. Nothing makes sense.

Acrasia Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ