[02A] The Sons

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This chapter is 2A because I wrote it after the next chapters were already up. It felt like such a pain to rename everything, so I figured this'll do.


Chapter 02A: The Sons

This boy had the nerve to stare me in the eye and question what I was doing after he'd been caught going hard with someone in public. His sexy smirk stayed on his lips as he looked me up and down.

"You must be one of the sons," I said.

"Hugo," he answered.

Mrs Maythorne had mentioned she had three sons, but I didn't think they were close to my age. For some reason, I pictured three toddlers bumbling about in matching outfits in their little mansion.

There was nothing little about him.

Hugo didn't ask for my name. He just brushed past me and walked into the house. I looked around to see where the girl ran off to but couldn't find her.

I remember what Mrs Maythorne had said earlier today: my sons tend to make their presence known.

I get it now.


It was getting dark on the porch and my phone battery was dying. I didn't want to go inside. I liked the fresh air and freedom of the outside. I'd spent three days in a hospital bed that this was a welcome reprieve.

I heard another sound, a deafening creak. I almost forgot I was in a wheelchair and tried to stand up. Failing that, I turned the wheels around to stare into the dusk.

Over the grassy pasture, I saw a large wooden barn. A door swung open and he walked out. There are very few moments in my life where I've felt my breath catch in my throat.

Getting electrocuted was one.

Seeing him was another.

I don't know what it was, but there was a magnetism about him that pulled me close. He was strikingly handsome with chiseled features and an athletic build. His dark hair and eyes captivated my attention.

I took my time, watching him close the barn door. I committed every moment to memory. Slowing it down, speeding it up, my mind was playing tricks on me. Like something inside of me knew this was meant to be something.

"What's wrong with me?" I whispered.

His head raised and turned towards me. I gulped. Did he really just hear me from all the way over there?

His dark eyes pierced through me as he lowered his hand from the shed door. I wondered if he was feeling the same way I was.

I was finding it hard to breathe regularly. He was hot; the type of hot that instantly makes you hot...

"G!" Jesper called to me, startling me. He came out of the house to find me on the porch, "I've been looking everywhere for you. It's dinner time."

I looked away and, thankfully, Jesper didn't notice.

I didn't say anything. My heart was beating a hundred miles a minute and I didn't know what had come over me.

One thing's for sure – he must be one of them.


Jesper wheeled me into a foyer and took a left at the dining room. He pushed open the doors to a gothic room. There were heavy curtains, a long wooden table with shiny silverware and lighting overhead.

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