[18] Purple

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I wasn't kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth - Marx brothers

Chapter 18: Purple

The air conditioning broke. It was so hot in the house and the sun was blaring outside. I unbuttoned the top of my shirt.

I was trying to do my math homework, but the heat was distracting. I kept wiping sweat off my forehead and using my hand to fan my face. There was a large pitcher of lemonade on the table, but the ice had melted.

The doors banged shut and I heard someone walk in. Then I heard his voice in the kitchen next door and Emily's voice telling him that there was lemonade in the dining room.


Please no.

Nate walked in. 

On this type of day, he looked better than the lemonade. He had gone on a run in the heat and his white shirt was plastered against his skin. I saw the toned muscles outlined across his chest. His was still panting slightly from the exhaustion of running.

I tensed up, hating the way I couldn't control what I felt around him. There was an immediate and undeniable tension, like the crackling of heat before a spark.

He didn't say anything as he came round the table. I picked up my pen and pretended to focus on these calculations. It was hard when I knew he was so close. I heard the sound of cool liquid pouring into the glass.

I looked over at him and saw him looking at me, a glass of lemonade in his hand. "Homework?"

I nodded. I didn't trust myself to speak. And he noticed.

"You're usually more vocal," he shrugged and drank until the glass was empty.

"It's really hot outside," was all I could say. Smooth.

"Mhm," he raised his eyebrows knowingly. He knew what he was doing to me.

He set his glass on the table, "I like purple too."


I looked down and realized that my shirt was open. It was so hot in here and I'd been studying, I didn't even realize. I was wearing my school shirt and my bra was purple.

I quickly buttoned it up and my face went more purple than my underwear.

He was looking.

"You say that so casually, you perv."

Nate shrugged and was about to walk out. I couldn't let him get away with that. I reacted with the one move Mohan showed me last week. I kicked his legs, swiping them so that he would fall over.

Only he didn't. He caught my leg and held it.

"I thought you were staying away, Georgia."

I rolled my eyes and leaned forwards. I pushed my leg down and that automatically made his hands slide further up my leg. He saw my face. I saw the desire in his.

"This time," he whispered, his voice husky, "I'm struggling."

"Me too," I whispered, giving him permission.

His lips came crashing down on mine. I immediately gripped his body, feeling his shirt against my hand. I was pulling so tightly I ripped it, but he didn't care. He shoved me against the table and I leant back on my math homework as he swept my textbook and calculator out of the way.

It accidentally knocked the lemonade over and it spilled all over the floor.

"What's going on in there?" Emily called out, hearing all the commotion.

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