[02] Maythorne Manor

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I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone - JRR Tolkien

Chapter 2: Maythorne Manor

Icame into consciousness three days after the accident. I was in a hospital and it freaked me out. 

I bolted upright.


The sound of his voice immediately comforted me. I sat back in the crisp white bed, feeling tubes sticking out of my arms and a blue hospital dress on my body. It felt like paper.

"It's ok. You're ok," Jesper repeated soothingly.

I looked over and saw him wearing the same clothes from that night. His tired eyes showed he hadn't slept in days.

"You look like crap," I lied.

I don't think Jesper could look bad if he wore a trash bag and a carpet.

He cracked a smile, "Say that again."

"You look like crap?" I obliged.

He lowered his head in relief, "It's good to hear your voice, G."

My head throbbed. I wanted to ask him what happened, but loud voices escalated outside. My ears piqued when I recognized the shrill voice of someone I knew too well.

"Yeah," Jesper mumbled, "I called your mom."

So much for a road trip.

If I had any energy in me, I would've run right out of that hospital. After being struck by lightning, you'd think I have some energy stored inside me. But my eyelids grew heavy and even though I tried to resist, I fell back to sleep.


I whined, as my mum rolled me out of the hospital in a wheelchair several days later, "I don't want to stay here."

"You haven't fully recovered. It's a miracle you survived. But a kind lady has offered to let us stay with her. I can't afford these hospital bills and you can't go home yet. At least it'll be a change of scenery."

I glared at Jesper. I guess he had done the responsible thing by calling my mother but still. Summer vacation was over the moment my mum The Buzzkill stepped through the door.

"You're not understanding the part where you almost died," Jesper retorted, opening the car door for me, "Vacation is over either way."

I swear that boy could read my mind.

"Blame Jesper," my mum said, "He could've hooked up with the doctor and gotten us an extra night free, but he refused."

"What?!" I asked, shocked that all this drama was happening around my passed out body, "The doctor was making moves?!"

Jesper lifted me from the wheelchair and lowered me into the passenger seat. He put my seatbelt on and folded the wheelchair into the trunk while mum fretted over me. He didn't want to discuss it.

"Oh Jesper," my mum continued, "I won't pimp you out."

"Well that's kind of you mum," I said sarcastically.

They were both wearing rubber gloves. Apparently, I still had electrical currents in me from the lightning that could accidentally shock them.

If that doesn't make a girl feel contagious, I don't know what will.

Jesper started to drive while I peppered my mum with questions from the passenger seat. "So who is this woman offering us her place to stay?"

"She came in the morning after you'd been hit and has been tremendously helpful through this entire ordeal. She offered us to stay at her place."

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