[20] Sleepover without the sleep

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Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage - Lao Tzu

Chapter 20: Sleepover without the sleep

"All the sleepover movies are in this section here. We'll vote for our top three," Cleo scrolled through her movie collection onscreen.

The floor was covered with mattresses and blankets and a dozen pillows for us to sleep on. Her parents had gone up to sleep an hour ago. They were such kind people. Her mum was a dentist with a 6am start so they'd asked us to keep our voices down.

I was happy to be here tonight. It seemed like none of these girls had a care in the world other than school. And cocky, half-naked boys weren't popping up all over the place. Bliss.

"I vote To All the Boys and I don't care if that makes me basic," Isla came out of the kitchen, holding a freshly popped bowl of popcorn.

Sid was refilling our margarita glasses and adding sugar to the brim. I had a bag of cherry Twizzlers in my hand.

"I just need to run to the bathroom before we start," I hopped up and hurried up the stairs.

"Third room to the right," Cleo called out.

I thanked her and tiptoed quietly to not wake her parents. That's when a pebble hit a window in the hallway. Was that-

Another pebble.

I stared at the window, not wanting to step any closer. It was dark out and the street looked empty. Clean pavement, picturesque cars and lit lamplights. Like a Hollywood movie set.

A third pebble hit the glass, leaving a mark.

I slowly took a step towards it, hearing Hugo's warning in my ears. If anyone was after us... you'd be the first target.

It hit the glass again but that's when I saw him, standing on the front lawn, looking up at me with a fistful of pebbles in his hand.

I swung the window open, "Hugo!"

"It's about time you went to the damn bathroom."

"How long have you been standing there? And how do you know where the bathroom is?"

"Nate wants us to stay together tonight," he said, "So we're going to a party at Beckett's home. You can bring your friends."

Nate wants what?!

"I'll pass."

"You can't pass. Georgia!" he hissed, getting louder as I smiled and waved and closed the window on him, "Don't close the window on me! Don't! Georgia!"

He threw another pebble at it. I walked back down to the girls.

"What took you so long? We're about to start!"

"Sorry, I saw a chipmunk outside." I took my drink and sat on the comfy sheets next to Isla. Sid handed me some nail polish and we started to watch a movie.


"For someone who has such good grades, you can be so dense sometimes.  I wanted to sit next to you.  I even packed those snacks.  I asked Kitty where to find those yogurt drinks you like so much."

The knocker sounded.

"So if I went all the way across time to get you something you like, then that means-"

The knocker sounded again.

"Was that your front door?" Sid asked, handing Cleo the tissues.

She dabbed at her eyes and pressed pause on the movie. She got up and went to open it.

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