[47] Worth it

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Acceptance is the key to move on - anonymous

Thank you @Nikibookgram for DM'ing me some fun posters across all series!  Love them all! 

Chapter 47: Worth it

Nathaniel and I stood inside the library of Maythorne Manor, facing one another. I would never trust the two of us to be alone together.

And I was nervous.  He and I hadn't spoken since we ended what was going on between us.

"Speaking of jokes, have you spoken to Jesper?" Nate asked.

Damn. He dove right in.

Nate has a way with doing that. 

He gets straight to the point. Simultaneously insults Jesper and changes the subject - it was smooth maneuvering.

I took my time to respond. I wasn't emotionally prepared to go through all of this. I rested my head against my forehead. This hurts.

I'd almost forgotten how flawless Nate looked. How effortless everything was for him. I'd seen him go through so much sh*t and he rose above it.

I confessed, "Jesper and I aren't on the best of terms right now."

"It's ironic he started dating Holly right after you told him about me," he pointed out, closing the book and returning it to the bookshelf. 

"I think he genuinely likes her," I answered, knowing that Nate thought Jesper was trying to get back at us. 

Holly was the one girl at school people thought Nate would date.

"You think so?" Nate asked, obviously disagreeing, "I also think it's ironic he had an issue with us in the first place, since he was happy to start dating."

It seems Nate's been doing a lot of thinking lately.

"He isn't against me dating in general," I said, "He just doesn't trust you, this manor or anything going on. Our survival is at stake and dating a supernatural can be-"

"What does he know about that?  He's not one of us, Georgia," Nate said.

"Then I'm not either," I answered, "He's part of my family. He's been my best friend since birth and I won't choose sides."

I can't turn my back on my friend. Plus, I trusted Jesper's instincts. If something didn't feel right to him here, I had to give that some thought.

"I know you won't," he said dryly, "And that leaves me as the only one fighting for us." 

OK, that was actually poetic.

"I'm having a hard time remembering why we broke up," Nate said, walking towards me.

Me too.

Why was my mind wandering into dangerous territory? It is a well known fact I can't resist this boy.

My mind was beginning to wander into role play territory. We were in a library after all and I...


"Oh no, no, no," I pointed at him to keep our distance, "Don't even think about pressing me against the wall."

"It doesn't need to be against the wall," he smirked suggestively.

I smiled. He knew I was secretly very into it. 

But I was trying to behave. I had made the decision to end this, because (1) Jesper (2) It's too confusing (3) Mrs Maythorne may kick me out of the house (4) I'm struggling with an identity crisis.

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