[06] Everglades Academy

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The second she opened her eyes and looked at me, I knew. She was either going to be the death of me . . . or she was going to be the one who finally brought me back to life - C Hoover

Chapter 6: Everyglades Academy

Hugo, Nate and Jesper walked to the car like models in an armani campaign. They were wearing the same uniform. Blue ties and blazers.

I watched them leave from the dining room window. School was an hour's drive away and Nathaniel was driving. He pulled up in an Aston Martin vanquish, with sunglasses on and a cool breeze that tousled his brown hair. While Hugo got into the front seat, Jesper hung back to admire the wheels.

We weren't used to this kind of living.

Eventually, they convinced Jesper to get in and the boys left. Seeing them go had me weirdly feeling left out.

Especially when Mohan took my pancakes away and replaced it with an astronomy textbook.

"Let's test your intellectual capabilities."

I whined. Hadn't this morning been enough?


Let me save you the boredom. My entire day was spent holed up in the manor testing all kinds of nonsense. These tests proved what I already know: I'm not special. Not even a little bit.

Mohan was getting increasingly irritated by my repeated failures and my very low concentration span.

By the time the boys rolled up to the front door in their swanky convertible after the first day of school, Mohan had thrown a book against the wall and stormed out in need of a break.

"Waste of time?" Nate confirmed, chucking his car keys onto the desk.

"I try to meet expectations," I said with fake innocence.

Jesper enjoyed seeing them annoyed. He wanted them to give up on whatever schemes they had planned for me. "What happened?"

"We expected her to perform. She hasn't. In fact, she's below average in everything," Mohan summarized, coming back into the house after his mini freak out.

Jesper was already undoing his tie – never the type to wear a stuffy outfit for longer than he had to. I couldn't help but stare. I wasn't used to seeing Jesper wear formal clothes and he suited it.

Emily came in behind him, "Nathaniel, there's Amanda waiting in your bedroom. She said it was urgent."

Hugo smirked at that but Nate shrugged. He went into the kitchen and made himself a sandwich. He was stone cold.

I jumped up before Mohan could pull out another puzzle or book or globe or microphone and grabbed Jesper's arm, pulling him away from these mad hatters. Jesper managed to grab his blazer and tie before I tugged him away. I had my gloves on so he wasn't at risk.

"Slow down, G."

"I just need to get out of there. It's been so bad."

Jesper laughed, "Below average in everything?"

"I'm glad you find it so funny."

"Below average." Did he have to keep repeating it? We get it. "Even in weights? You're strong for someone who doesn't work out."

"We had a little hiccup on that one when I electrocuted myself touching the bars."

He kept laughing. We walked into his room and he sat on the bed, breathing out a deep sigh.

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