[58] Bathroom Banned

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'We may not have it all together, but together we have it all' - anonymous

Chapter 58: Bathroom Banned

It was almost the winter vacation and that's what mattered right now.  I came home to find Emily, Mohan, Zane and Jesper in the blue living room.

This mansion had a few living rooms, with various color themes. This one was the blue living room because of the furniture.  

If I don't know what's going on, I always look at Jesper for how I should be reacting. He was the only one who kept a firm grip on reality.

He had his back towards me and was shaking his head, looking down at something.

"Is that Georgia?" Jesper asked, hearing me come in, "Wait until she sees this."

"See what?"

With one hand, Jesper pulled up a red velvet dress.

"Eugh..." I reacted, "Where are we going?"

Thanks to this Manor, I now associate dressing up with catastrophes. The party in Paris and the winter formal... two dresses and two disasters. 

There was a trend. Cause and effect, I'm sure of it.

"We're spending Christmas with Mrs Maythorne's family," Mohan said.

"She has a family?" I asked them.

"We thought she grew out of a test tube," Jesper explained.

"No, that was me," Zane joked.

At least he could joke about growing up in a prison.

"Well if the girls have to wear this Christmas stocking, what are the boys wearing?" I asked.

Jesper's other arm pulled up a suit. With a matching red velvet jacket. I burst out laughing.

"You find that funny, huh?" he teased, "Check out the price tag."


I almost cried.

"Will you two stop playing around?" Emily came, taking all the clothes out of Jesper's reach, "Jesper, your dinner jacket is a velvet slim fit with a black satin lapel. It's wonderful."

"Can I see my breakfast jacket then?"

She kicked us out of the room. I didn't fully understand what was going on in there. It looked like Emily was packing for us. She had all these fancy clothes laid out in piles for each of us.

Another mystery in a mansion full of them.


Next to the blue living room was an old room with a dusty projector and rows of couches. It was a movie room that I haven't really seen anyone use since I arrived. 

I dusted off the projector that evening, and snuggled under a blanket, to watch a movie.

My body ached from all the physical training and I was tired of all the pressure. I just wanted one night to relax.

The door opened and the very person I was trying to avoid walked in.

"Room for one more?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, moving to one end of the couch.

I didn't know what was coming over me; why I couldn't be normal around Jesper anymore. I grew up with him. I watched his tantrums and his throw-ups whenever he was sick. 

I've seen the bad and the ugly... why couldn't I handle him now? Now when he was handsome and put together and had grown into a man.

"No popcorn?" he asked.

I shook my head and he swung his legs up, "Fine. Guess we're all on a diet."

He leant his head against the couch, staring at the TV screen. Jesper liked action movies so it was funny he would tolerate this rom com.

I asked him, "Jesper, why are you-"

But he'd already fallen asleep.


School the next day was more eventful than I signed up for. 

I was studying for a test during lunch, so I missed out on all the drama. I had headphones on as I walked between classes, trying to memorize some last-minute formulas. The teachers were really loading us up on tests before the holiday break.

I took a right turn in the hallway and walked towards the ladies' bathroom sign. Just as I walked into the bathroom, Sid walked out and she freaked out when she saw me. She made a sign for me to take my headphones off. I did and before the door closed, I saw someone sobbing next to the sink, with a group of girls surrounding her. The door swung shut.

"What's going on?" I asked, "Who is that?"

"It's not a good idea for you to be here right now," Sid said.

"Can I not use the bathroom?"


I stood there. I wasn't the type to just be told what to do and go with it.

"I need to use the bathroom," I told her, "And they're free."

"No, you can't," Cleo repeated, putting her hands on my shoulders, "Please, she can't see you."

"What are you talking about? I don't have beef with anyone here."

"I don't think it has much to do with you."

"So what's the issue?"

"It's Holly, ok? That's my sister in there and she's not feeling so hot right now, so you can go and find another bathroom."

I stared at Sid. I'd never seen her react so emotionally like this before.

She slowed down her breathing, "I'm sorry. It's just, Holly is my sister. She's the most put together person I know but she's fallen apart today and I don't know how to handle it, ok? And you can't be here."

"OK," I said, not asking any more questions.

I didn't deserve to know what was going on with Holly and I definitely respected Sid's sibling loyalty to her.  

Another girl walked by us, into the bathroom.

"But she can go in and I can't?" I clarified.

"Right.  Everyone can go in, but not you."

I really didn't understand why I was forbidden. But Sid was my friend, so I wasn't going to debate it.

"Can I ask why?" I asked.

"No," Sid said.

"OK then."

What did Holly have against me?

What happened?

A/N: It may be a short chapter but daily updates means I don't have a lot of time to write each one!  Next one will be out tomorrow.  Are you for Nate or Jesper? 

See you sooooon!!  I'll get writing :)

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