[21] Dog Bite

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'Be patient and tough; someday this pain will be useful to you' - Ovid

Chapter 21: Dog Bite


"You came into my life, not the other way round."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I can't let you get hurt," he realized how that sounded and quickly added, "Maythorne would kill me. You're a target now that you live with us and a damn defenseless one."

"I'm stro-"

And right when I was about to say how strong I was, something lunged at me from behind. Something with a strong grip and bad breath. Its fingers were claws that dug into my chest. I screamed out and my feet were lifted off the ground. I was twisted like a rag doll.

[End of Recap]

Nate punched it in the stomach, trying to take me out of its grip. The pain in my shoulder worsened as I felt its claws dig into me.

The monster retaliated, holding me in one arm and using the other to claw Nathaniel. 

Nate ducked. Then he rose to his full height and struck back.

Yes, he was fighting. 

I forgot he could fight like that. I spent too much time thinking about how he could ki-

Nate struck his arm down on the animal, forcing it to collapse. Unfortunately, I went down with it.

I heard the monster's teeth chatter behind me and felt my saliva on my hair. We were behind the bushes now, out of sight. Let's not even get started on the bad breath...

Nate took a knife from the monster's own pocket. The monster used me as a shield. Nate's arm wrapped around my shoulders. He pulled me towards him at the exact moment that he stabbed the monster underneath me.

The creature cried out and his body revolted under me. I grabbed onto Nate, terrified of what would happen next. My eyes were squeezed shut, since I couldn't see behind me anyway.  I had to trust that he wouldn't let me get killed.

Nate held me tighter and he protected the back of my head, letting me press myself against his chest. He twisted the knife into the side of the monster's body.

It squealed a terrifying high-pitched squeal. I heard a squelch and bones crack underneath me. I focused on feeling Nate's warm body in front of me, hoping that I'd stay safe.  Nate's chest exhaled over mine, his cool breath brushing against the side of my face.

"You got him-" and then I screamed in pain as the monster bit me.

"F*ck," Nate cursed.

He instantly pulled the knife out and stabbed it in the neck. I felt the monster's grip around me loosen and I rolled into the flower bed, blood oozing out of me.

Now Nate had two bodies and a party of drunk teenagers to deal with.


"See I say it all the time and it's always right. Nothing good happens when mom leaves," Hugo stood over me with an I told you so expression on his face.

I was crying. Honestly crying. 

The ugly kind.

Nate had his hand pressed against my arm where the monster had taken a big bite. He pressed down, blood leaking between his fingers.

"Turn down, Hugo," Nate said, "We're in sh*t right now. Georgia's hurt and we've got a giant monster in Beckett's backyard. How are we going to get rid of him?"

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