[27] Leave

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In the end you go back to the people that were there in the beginning - anon.

Chapter 27: Leave

"Nice try buddy," Nate said, "Maybe next time."

He shut the door in Dev's face and Hugo howled with laughter. Dev got back into his car and drove out the front road and through the metal gates of Maythorne Manor.

Nate shook his head, "That kid was punching way over his head."

"What are you doing?"

Hugo and Nate turned around and found Jesper standing at the foot of the staircase. The mansion was quiet except for their behavior in the front hall.

"It's the doom patrol again," Hugo greeted him.

"I heard that guy," Jesper said, "He was looking for Georgia. What were you doing?"

Nathaniel was smooth as ever as he walked by and coldly said, "Saving her time."

Jesper shuddered when their shoulders touched. He hated the reminders that these boys were not normal – he's seen them rip creatures apart with their bare hands.

"I don't like whatever connection you think you have with her. She doesn't need looking after, not by the likes of you," Jesper said.

Nathaniel had been walking away but he stopped. He didn't like being looked down on.

Hugo chuckled, "And you think a weakling human like you is going to look after her?"

"I can look after myself."



The three boys all looked up. Georgia was staring down at them from the head of the staircase. She was wearing a casual blue dress and low top white sneakers.

She didn't notice two out of the three boys blush.

*Georgia's POV*

I stared down at their guilty speechless faces. It was like three chirping parrots had suddenly gone silent.

I can take care of my own fricking self

"Why are you talking about me?" I asked, skipping down the stairs.

Nate had almost been about to leave. His hand was on the door of the living room. My eyes gravitated to him as usual and he winked at me, without anyone else noticing. He pushed open the door and left.

"You dressed up," Hugo observed.

I looked down at my outfit. I didn't think I'd gone overboard, but I guess I had set expectations low with my usual pyjama look.

"Well I'm going out," I answered, always happy when leaving this creepy mansion.

"You made friends? That's nice. Have fun. Gotta run!" Hugo waved and bounded off.

He gave Jesper a threatening look on his way out.

"What was that for?" I asked him.

"The usual for them," Jesper said, opening the front door, "Do you want me to give you a lift? I'm also heading out."

I wanted to know where, why, with who... but somehow, it didn't feel like my place to ask. After all, I hadn't been honest with him about who I've been hanging out with...

"It's OK. I think I'm being picked up."


He left. And you know what? No one ever came to pick me up.

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