[25] Vampires

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'Good friends are like stars.  You don't always see them, but you know they're always there' - old saying

Chapter 25: Vampires

"We're vampires!"

Jesper looked up from his chemistry textbook and stared at me.

Ya don't here that every day.

I was deep in an internet hole, on some random wikipedia page, following links to old mythological creatures, instead of doing my homework.

The house we lived in was full of mysteries.  These boys, Mrs Maythorne and me now apparently... we were all supernatural.  And they won't tell me how.    

"Think about it," I urged him, "Super human speed, hearing, strength-"

"Do you drink blood?" he asked, returning his gaze to his chemistry textbook, already over it.

"Well, no, but that could be a myth, like garlic."

"I'm no expert," Jesper said, turning a page on combustion, "But I'm pretty sure blood sucking is a requirement."

I heaved a sigh and threw myself on the couch next to Jesper. I swung my legs over his knees and picked up my water bottle.

"Don't give up, G. We'll figure out what you are," Jesper smirked, "I liked your elf theory. It explains your chirpiness."

I sprayed some water on him.


After some non-homework and more identity digging, I left the internet and went outside.  

It was time for my daily workout with Nathaniel.

How bad is it that I'm excited?  From a scale of 1 to infinity?  Working out is torture but pairing that with Nate-time is a fair exchange.

Not to mention how our first session together ended up in a cliff dive and we... well, it was only last chapter.  We all remember. 

"If I make this lap, I'm going to be too exhausted to make out," I announced.

The evening air was cool and fresh.  Myself?  Not so much.

"Is that a threat?" Nate smiled, "Because I'm not that desperate."

I was too tired to fold my hands across my chest. I pressed my hands against his muscular shoulders and leaned on him. He glanced back at the house, making sure no one saw us.

Mrs Maythorne would freak out. 

Jesper would freak out. 

And honestly, I think I would freak out. 

I'm not sure I'm ready to really think through what I was doing here. Getting attached to Nate the supernatural creature... didn't feel like a good idea.

"You don't need to train with me," he said, "You can go inside if you can't keep up."

He thought that would spark the competitiveness in me.

"Yeah, ok," I said, "I've got two episodes left of my show and they aren't going to watch themselves."

I'm not that competitive.  Nope.  I'm content as is.

Nate was about to put his headphones on and run alone when he asked, "What show?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

I was not about to tell him the inner workings of my reality TV obsessed brain.


Don't give up on me ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon