Chapter Three: Disastrous Jackson's

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The realm of acceptance. Whether it e an overrated opinion or an underrated decision, it affects all. Acceptance can bring happiness or gloom. Leave a person in elation, or bring them to misery. Acceptance has control of any and everything. The one to watch is the one who chooses on whether or not acceptance is of choice.

"What more do they want from me?" His voice cringed as he replaced the receiver.

I sigh heavily, feeling his agitation. He truly gives his family his all, and when he decides to do something for himself, they leech him into their needs. In my opinion, the Jackson's don't know how to be, without Michael. Michael was the golden star, along with the talents of his brothers, the jackson family gained a name.

Even before the age of eighteen, just as the world, Michael's family realized how important Michael is and how much luck his unrequited talent has given them. It's a sad tale that continues to be foretold as Michael would grow and learn just how dependent his family is of him. With Michael finally a "solo artist", "The Jackson's" have no existence. With no existence, there comes desperation for attention.

It began with Mister Jackson himself, Joseph. Always calling Michael's and J hotel room in the wee of the morning or the dim of the night with yet another "investment", and each call would end with a tear stained Michael and a raging Joseph. Each time Michael would turn down these "investments", Joseph would guilt trip him, using Miss Katherine as a bait to ease Michael. He knows Michael just can't deny his mother.

It's a sad vicious cycle that I think has pushed Michael even further along the brinks of cutting the umbilical cord that his family has leeches onto him. I know Michael, and I know he isn't far from blowing up. I just don't know when to expect the explosion.

"I-I did a tour. I almost went through a stupid ass Deal for a Tour in Japan as The Jackson's! I'm sick of this shit! I-I'm sick of being used..." He continues to stress, burying his face between his palms.

His spine rises along my palms as he heaves and sobs. I'm afraid to speak. I know he just needs to vent and blow of a bit of steam, but this isn't healthy. How can he go to California in the morning, in this state?

Dear Lord help me.

The night dawned onward. He hasn't stopped swearing, mumbling, or sobbing since the call. He only rose from the bed to throttle into his requested study, his only requirement is that I leave him alone. I understand his anger, I'm quite enraged myself, but I don't want him to start this cycle of closing me out when he's bothered.

It truly hurts me.

With being his fiancé, I feel our relationship should be even more broadened in the spectrum of trust and love and whatever else follows, but of course I should've known better. Michel will always find ways to hide his true emotions, he has become so accustomed to hiding that it's almost and impulse for him.

Nearly three years of friendship, and two complete years of a pretty broad relationship and he's still uncomfortable with truly expressing himself. I don't know what to do. I don't want to push him, because I might push him too far, but I can't just continue to allow him to bottle things.

Oh my Michael.


"Baby, I know you said you didn't want to talk, but you seem really stressed. I just want to help" I stress, glancing over at him.

Tugged jet black curls frame his face. Midnight button up with ruby and gold trimmings in certain areas. His caramel skin, seemingly lighter than before, yet he is still stunning. Even in his frustration, he is absolutely breath taking.

He remains silent, not a hint of a possible sentence. His gaze is fully focused on the clouds outside. My heart is sinking. How can he ignore me? I'm trying to be supportive, but with him being a ticking time bomb, how can I?

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