Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Ivory Father

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What is the root of insecurity? Is it a complex emotion built on the addiction of perfection? In my opinion insecurity is solely built on lack of self respect. It is a cliche hypothesis, but it is the only uncontrollable variable in this experiment called life. I am a victim of insecurity, pointing my finger, oblivious to the three pointing back. But I am steadily finding solace within this called "self-acceptance".

Being "alone" has allows me to find myself. I'm not fully pleased with what I see in the mirror, but I have come to terms with it. Yet even still, I'm ready to go through this process. I'll always have spotting and blotches as a reminder, but they will be no match for the shear attention this decision will bring.

It's time I face the changing man in the mirror.

"Baby... I need you to understand how incredibly mesmerizing you are. You have to belive me. You are perfectly imperfect. I look at you and I don't see the Michael that you show the world. I see the man that is my Michael. The shy man I fell in love with. The cocky man I love to bicker with. The funny man and caring man I love to admire" She whispers in one breath, her eyes glued to mine.

I open my eyes, the memory all too painful. The memory of the night she took my insecurity and made it out to be a attractive attribute. That night I knew, if any other night or day I've spent with her and I couldn't confirm, I knew that night that she is the one. No one will ever fill my heart the way she did, not ever again.

"Baby, you are everything and more to me. Shouldn't that be enough? Whatever pain you have, baby you have to let it go. I'm here for you. I love you. That should be enough. Okay? I want to be enough for you" She stresses, caressing my jaw gently.

She wanted to be enough for me. She was that and so much more. She fills me up, gives me unimaginable love. She is my little iridescent flower, blooming beautifully. Her lips like rose petals against mine. Her skin like silk beneath my touch. Her moans, the only melody I can admit to being captured by alone. Her smile, dammit that smile. Her smile warms me inside. She brought out a man. A man that I never knew, but I found him through her.

Now she's gone.

"Your condition... Doesn't define you. You're still Michael. I still love you. Nothing will change that. Nothing will change that, baby" She reiterates, pressing her lips against mine.

Tears cascade my cheeks, another sharp migraine bangs at my temples. Every time I think of that night and many others spent with Jesse, I break down. I can't even remember an account in which I've cried this much. It's almost as if the mere mention of her name tears another string of my heart. Without her, I'm falling apart.

"Michael? Michael are you crying, again? Come on... It's time to get up you've been like this for two weeks. Come on out now" Bill calls from the other side of the door.

I glance up at the wooden door, only turning away to gaze out of the window. I've been doing this a lot lately. I haven't slept in our bedroom since she left. I only go in there to give Noah a picture of her while he stays here. He can't sleep without it; neither can I. On the days when Noah isn't here, I'm spending most of my days and nights in this guest room, only coming out when forced to go to an event or to work.

I just can't bring myself to leave this house.

"Michael... Man come on now... You have filming, I suggest you be in time" Bill badgers onwards.

I sigh, forcing my gaze back onto the wooden door. It's true that I do in fact have my first day of filming a short video for my single In The Closet. Many men would be happy to know that I am indeed working with the illustrious chocolate, British model; Naomi Campbell.

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