Chapter Twenty-Five: Taking My Heart With Her

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I glance over her resting body, damning myself for being the cause of her behavior. I never wanted to hurt her. I always say it, because I truly mean it. I thought things were fine, but I was just being oblivious.

I should've saw the signs. The day Jordy came to our gates. The same day I allowed the Chandlers back into my life. The day I snapped because of her cruel words against the Chandlers. All led to her leaving me. I drove her to this point. No matter how much she added to our problem, I was the main variable.

She stirs, moaning as she begins to wake. A lone tear trickles down my cheek. I missed watching her wake. I missed laying beside her. I can't believe I was deprived of her, of Noah for an entire month.

Allowing my emotions to subside, I continue watching her wake. Slowly her arms rises to her temples as she winces from her apparent hang over. I stifle a giggle as she groans in agony.

Jesse knows she isn't much of a drinker. I'm sure one or two glasses gifted her, her first driven experience.

Finally sighing at her misery, I carefully stand from my armchair and quickly hand her a aspirin tablet and the glass of water from the bedside table.

"Take this and drink this... It will help..." I whisper, afraid to speak any louder.

Oblivious to my presence, she blindly reaches for the items and quickly gulps each one down.

"Thank you... My damn head is ringing..." She groans, falling back into the pillows.

I remain silent, my brain on a tangent. My heart pounding in my chest. My conscience cursing me passionately for having things go this far.

"I'm so sorry..." I suddenly whisper, watching her force herself up onto her elbows.

She squints her eyelids and glances at me beneath her lashes, after a long minute her eyes widen and she nearly shoots out of the bed.

"What the fuck?! How did I get here?! Why the fuck am I here? Why the fuck are you here?!" She suddenly shrieks, glancing at me wide eyed as she eyes her attire.

A simple, flimsy silk night gown.

I sigh, fully prepared for her rampage. I know she's angry, but her behavior at the bar was besides her. I wasn't going to leave her there.

Suddenly, I become angry as well. Why is she out at a bar while our four month old is at some hotel? That's not righteous at all. That's completely irresponsible, and dangerous.

"Well if you weren't out getting drunk, I wouldn't have had to bring you here." I retort, feeling my rage rising.

She rolls her eyes, mumbling something beneath her breath.

"I wouldn't be getting drunk if I didn't have an asshole for a fiancé! Fuck you Michael!" She spits, stumbling towards her dresser.

I shake my head, ignoring her insult and rush over to assist her.

"Don't fucking touch me!" She barks, slapping my hand away as I reach for her waist to balance her.

"Jesse... I'm going to blame this on lingering alcohol... Please calm down." I sigh, carefully reaching for her again.

There's no use arguing with her right now, and I definitely don't want to bring attention to ourselves. I told Bill I'll handle things, and that's what I'm going to do.

She sighs heavily, glancing at me with reddening eyes. She's still so very beautiful, but her almonds aren't as sparkly as I remember. I used to be the cause of her once sparkling eyes, now I'm the cause of her weary tears.

Dangerous & Anew (Sequel to Inhaling Alongside You)✔️Where stories live. Discover now