Chapter Twenty-six: Taking Fate In Hand

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Dare, Dream, Do should be required reading for anyone with a forgotten wish, a pie-in-the-sky fantasy or a quiet dream hidden in their heart. In other words-everyone"

Dare Dream Do (book exert), Whitney Johnson.

I've read those lines countless of times, when I was a young girl. I wondered what was the exact meaning of those powerful words and what made them so suddenly powerful? I knew as a young girl, that my father always mentioned having "dreams". Not the kind that you subconsciously depict in your head where you're flying across meadows and feeding unicorns. These "dreams" are goals. Those goals people deem unachievable.

In Dare, Dream, Do, Whitney Johnson shows us how to reclaim our dreams and become as daring as we always imagined we could be. It is a book at once poignant and powerful. There's that word again, powerful. As a young child, I knew how "powerful" that book really was and is. And now, I'm ready to implement her teachings into my own new goal.

I'm ready to dare, dream, and do.

"And please, don't tell him anything..." I sigh, glancing at a grinning Debbie.

Since my last occurrence with Michael, I have played it safe and kept my distance. Michael and I in the same room isn't an option right now. In order for things to be fixed, we really need time away from each other. Therefore, when it comes to visitation, there is none. Instead of allowing him to come to Debbie's house, I've asked Debbie to make that hour trip to Neverland where Michael can be to do as he pleases with Noah. It may seem a bit extreme, but he hasn't complained and neither have I.

"Girl, I'm not going to say anything! Geez, you act like I'm just a motor mouth or something!" Debbie exclaims, dramatically pressing her palm against her chest.

I roll my eyes at her dramatics and give her a knowing glance.

"Says the woman who told Michael that I would be at that bar. Admit it, you set that whole thing up... Didn't you?" I push teasingly, raising a suspicious eyebrow.

Nearly three weeks ago, Michael "found" me drunk (from one drink) and angry as hell. He never told me exactly how he configured my whereabouts, but he did and I've been thinking about that. It took a lot of thought, but j finally realize, Debbie set it up. Convincing me to go out, alone. Yeah, the whole thing pointed to one blonde haired, blue eyed, nurse; Debbie.

I can't say I blame her. She's witnessed Michael's and I relationship and watched us flourish and unfortunately fall. She was always rooting for us, and that incident was just her way of continuing to root for us.

"Okay, Okay. I did... But come on.. The guy was down in the dumps. Constantly calling me, asking if I knew where you were. I told him. But, I didn't expect him to snap or anything. I do take blame for that one" She sighs, giving me a hopeful grin afterwards.

I return her smile, knowing she had good intentions. I'm so appreciative of her being around. I honestly wouldn't know what to do if she wasn't around, helping me with Noah. She's been a constant caring shoulder and I can't repay or thank her enough. I will always remember her once my career jets off. And when that time comes, I'll make sure she is the first on my list of gratitude.

"It's fine... I just don't want him giving me any handouts. I don't need his pity. I want this... But I'll do it on my own" I sigh, making mental note to remember these words the next time I contemplate on whether or not to call Michael.

When Debbie pauses to glance at me guiltily, I sigh heavily and place a demanding palm on my right hip, before shaking my head. She only gives me this look when she's done something that involves Michael. She has been constantly trying to get me to contact him, but with nearly two months of solitude, I'm still not even close to being ready to see him again.

Dangerous & Anew (Sequel to Inhaling Alongside You)✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang