Chapter Twenty-Nine: New Tour, New Frustrations

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Darkness doesn't exist. Darkness is simply, what is not there. Darkness is what is momentarily invisible to the naked eye. Darkness propels the psychologic fear of whatever resides there. In darkness lies the unknown. Yet even still, warm light evolves in that darkness. That light claims promises of the unchanging dark. The light promises that all is well and all never drifted. The light opens the eyes of those who seemed to be consumed in the nothingness of the "dark".

I once was consumed by the fear of what doesn't exist in the dark. I once allowed myself to imagine what would be in the dark should I ever venture there. But, the. I stopped wondering. I stopped wandering.

I simply cut on the light.

"So everything is set... Right? We have only a month to get things right..." I stress to John.

A few weeks has passed since my six week filming of In The Closet. I had to cut it short, I'm pressing against time. I've been ripping and running everywhere. Taking care of Noah, rehearsing for the tour, making last minute corrections for In The Closet. I've just been everywhere.

In all of my haste, I hadn't realized that I won't be able to fully take care of Noah while on tour. I don't even know if it's safe to take a seven month old nearly halfway around the world. I would hate to tell Jesse that she has to either accompany me on tour or bring her tour to the States. It's a tough situation, but one of us has to make a sacrifice.

"Yes Michael, everything's cut and measured. Your costumes are being finalized... And your hotel for Germany has been booked. You're all set, but what about little man? Is he going with you?" John asks, following me out of the study.

I sigh, cursing the reminder of that dilemma. I haven't even so much as talked to Jesse since yesterday morning. She's probably sleeping right now. I hate the time difference, it's out right annoying.

"I'll handle it. Just do what you what you need to do, okay?" I snap, growing agitated with my own thoughts and his questions.

He glances up at me, giving me a look that told me never to snap at him again. I only flash him a small, apologetic smile and continue down the hall towards Noah's nursery.

Debbie has been sick for the last two weeks, and hasn't been able to keep Noah. I've been doing my best, balancing everything I can at once. It's a tough job, that has required less sleep, but it has brought me peace.

Until now.

"Is she coming back for him? I mean I understand she has a tour and you have a tour, but to measure... Yours is a bit on the more important side. I think-"

"Did you just say what I thought I heard?" I grumble, quickly turning away from Noah's door.

John keeps his straight face, giving no sign of an incoming apology. I can't believe him. How could he stand here and say that Jesse's tour isn't as important as mine. Jesse worked her behind off for that, and here is someone who has not one damn clue about it, to even have so much as a thought of a comparison. It's not right, and I won't tolerate it.

"Michael you're internationally known she's just getting there... Your tour is a priority, the child should be hers. She-"

"I dare you to say it again. Watch how I'll have you outside, flat on your ass! Do you understand John!" I hiss, glaring a hole into those unthreatening azure eyes of his.

He returns my glare, quickly softening his eyes after a few seconds of our held gaze. When he sighs heavily, I ease up, taking it as his way of telling me he understands.

That was my biggest mistake, convincing myself that Jesse would play "house" while I go out and do what I love or have to, to bring home income. It was sexist and even callous of me to even allow that to cross my mind as an option. If Jesse wants to go on tours to promote herself as a serious dancer, than who am I to stop her? This is what she wants. I can't take that from her and I won't allow anyone to demean her either. Especially not my own lawyer.

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