Chapter Nine: Rising Pressure & Secrets

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To elucidate the meaning of love, is to construe the creation of the universe. There's a plethora of reasons, explanations, examples, and yet still, a simple human would not be able to elucidate the meaning themselves. Love cannot be construed. But, love can be shared and witnessed.Love is a word that frankly is more than. Love is an experience, a ride for all to close their eyes and aboard with an open heart.

I have an open heart.

A warm dim of dawn greets me. Steady breaths behind me, entices my warmth. I'm in a lovely captivity, a moment I always live for. Closing my eyes, the previous hours play vividly in my mind. Touches, kisses, whispers, and moans, all so beautiful in my memory. There's something so lovely and enigmatic about love making that denounces the thought of entitling it sex. It's not sex. Love is involved, and prohibits such a ignorant title. When kisses are shared, lust isn't always the demeanor. That's why I love, love making with Michael.

My thoughts take a detour at the lovely feeling of his satin lips against my shoulder. When a ever so familiar tone escapes those lips, I almost shiver in his hold.

"Morning babygirl" He greets, his voice groggy and still very attractive.

Taking a moment to breathe, I delay further response and enjoy a few more of his gentle kisses. A moment and a few trailing kisses later, I dare myself to turn over and meet those intoxicating, doe eyes of his.

Still captured by his brave reveal of last night, I elongate my moment to take him all in. Ivory patches plague the nape of his neck and a bit of his earlobe, but he is still so very handsome. His mangled curls showcases the best of his boyish looks. But, it's his merely noticeable chin stubble that really showcases his natural masculinity. The man is just irresistible.

Oblivious to the blushing Michael before me, I lift a gentle index finger to his caramel jawline. There's still a mystery to this man. This mystery is most certainly something he feels obligated to keep hidden. I've always wondered if he would allow me overstep his preset boundaries. I wonder if he'll let me venture further into his world.

"Tell me something I don't know about you" I suddenly whisper, absentmindedly caressing his jawline.

Even through my focus of his jaw, I catch the hesitation in his eyes as he almost instantly furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"I've told you all there is to know about me. A simple good morning or a kiss would've been a better way to start the morning" He replies, slowly turning on his back

I silently watch him. He doesn't care to resume eye contact. Instead, his gaze is focused on the ceiling. He's avoiding my question, a simple question. continuing my analysis of him, I try to decode his body language. His vacant stare, giving way to his heavy contemplation. Steady breaths, additives to his lost thought. Yes, this man is a mystery-a mystery I want to solve.

"Baby, I just want you to know if you ever want to talk, I'm here" I whisper, slowly inching closer.

His eyes slowly fall on mine as he angles his head for a better view.

"I know. I'm fine Jess if that's what you are worried about. thank you for understanding, but I'm fine" He assures me, reaching for my hand.

Unwillingly, I admit defeat and loose myself again. Our palms firmly pressed against each other, my heart fluttering with glee. There's something so enchanting about Michael. He's so enchanting that I have no other choice but to believe him. If he says he's okay, I can't push any further. Not yet.

"I love you Michael, I really do" I sigh, glancing at our entangled fingers.

"I love you too Jess, more than anything" He whispers, his tone serious and passionate.

Dangerous & Anew (Sequel to Inhaling Alongside You)✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora