Chapter Thirty: Old Friends, New Frustrations cont.

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"I don't understand why you want to come to a park in broad daylight! It don't make no type of sense!" Bill badgers, turning into the gravel.

Days and weeks are passing, quickly. Everyday, my loneliness grows. Each time I speak to her, my heart breaks more and more. Each time a reporter mentions her name, I nearly crumble in front of them. I'm trying to be the good guy and allow her the time and space, but it's been now seven months.

It's now July and she left me in January. How long does a woman need to "find herself?". I trust that she's truly trying to follow her dreams, but the selfish part of me wants her here, supporting mine.

This has been boggling my mind for the past month, but I've always had to push it aside for yet another show, another appearance. It's been eating at me and today, on my free day, I decided to skip rehearsals and visit a local park.

"This is Rotterdam, Netherlands... You know nothing about this place! Yet the first park you see... You want go to it? And you're missing rehearsals?! what-"

"Bill! Hush...please. Just let me out here..." I sigh in annoyance.

I love Bill, but he nags as much as a chihuahua barks. That's annoying as hell.

I'm sure he wants to retort, but he gives me a knowing glance and sighs heavily before turning to Scotty for a perimeter check. I wait, rather impatiently, for their "check" to be over before nearly sprinting out of the SUV on their clearance.

Bill calls after me, but I ignore him. I just need to clear my head. I understand his concern, but I rather not entertain that. Yes, I'm throwing caution to the wind because life has been throwing me exactly the same.

Glancing around the near ghostly park, I sigh and take in Rotterdam. I swear each country, city, or state I visit, my breath is always taken away. I don't understand how these places can seem so beautiful, so peaceful. I think America has a lot of work to do. Contrary to those little donation programs on the television, many places outside of the United States are thriving. Thriving with life, peace, and love.

It's all just magnificent.

I sigh, happily for the first time. I've never felt so light, sitting on a cold, iron park bench. It's an awkward peace, but I like it.

"M-Michael? Woah, is that you?" A voice calls from behind me.

Moment ruined.

I instantly freeze, worried that my cover up of a trench coat and fedora has obviously deemed my "disguise" a dud at its job. I curse myself beneath my breath, Bill was right.

As usual.

A knowing giggle nears me before the tap of heels even begin to surface on the gravel of the sidewalk. Still I sit complexly frozen, mentally having a panic attack. I don't know who this person is, and undoubtedly want to stick around to out.

Slyly, I stand to my feet and glance around for a sign of Bill or Scotty. Upon spotting the two gentlemen casually chatting near a pond, I find myself cursing once more.

Could they be anymore useless right now?

Beginning to try to make a run for it, a small, light palm gently takes my shoulders. A giggle soon follows after I curse aloud.

Just great.

"Well hello to you too, Michael. Still shy I see..." The woman giggles from behind me.

Don't turn around, don't turn around.

I sigh heavily, and dare myself to turn around, meeting eyes with the prettiest brunette I've ever seen. She isn't a Jesse, but can't deny the woman is obviously young and gorgeous. Although, she seems oddly familiar. I just can't put my finger on it.

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