Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Hurt Came Back At Me

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"Michael... Tell me I'm not like the rest. I don't want to be like the rest..."

My eyes open.

"Babygirl, you are a pearl. The others can never amount to your glory. You're nothing like the others, you have something that just couldn't grasp, my heart. Now tell me I'm not like the others..."

I peck his palms, holding them close to my chest.

"There are no others, it's just you..." I smile, once again closing my eyes.

Michael sighs happily, pecking my forehead tenderly.

"Good... " He simply replies.

Falling into the trance of his warming body and arms, clinging to mine so lovingly, I doze off into a world that only Michael owns. He has me locked between his palms and heart. This is my happiness, that no one can take away from me.

No one.

I walk with guilt in my pit and satisfaction in my heart. There was so much passion generating between us. He wanted it as much as I did. He felt it as much is I did. He needed, just as much as I did. I don't know where all the anger came from, but it was churning inside of me. Seeing him stand there actually announcing their engagement, murdered me on the inside.

It was the fact that for so long we kept our engagement a secret, and here he is basically announcing it to the world. His smile was awfully cheeky and I'm sure it was a genuine one. He actually may love her. He actually might want to be with her for the rest of his life.

That was a shot to my soul.

Therefore I walked, a storm of emotions partying inside of my head. I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout. I wanted to cry. But as always, I held it in. I ventured far away to place I felt most safe and frankly most close to Michael. Only he and I know about that hidden shed.

Not even Lisa knows.

On the other hand, that shed still steered me to the ugly truth. I gave him away. I was stubborn, I am stubborn. In my stubbornness, I convinced myself that it would be best if he didn't have me. I convinced myself that it would be best if I didn't have him.

I just convinced myself.

But the moment he walked in, my "convincing" flew out of the window. I badgered myself. Why was I trying to deny the fact that I hate seeing him with her? Why was I telling lies after lies? Why was I breaking apart my family? Why?

Then all was said and done. Moans died, breaths were caught, and guilt was distributed. His words, yet again, took another stab at my heart.

"If things were different, I'd be with you. But I'm with Lisa. I can't mistreat her. I love you."

Things were different. He fell for another woman and I just fell. I didn't understand how he could claim me as his and still have the nerve to stand before me and say that. If things were different he'd be with me?

If things were different I'd probably still be in his shadow, trying to find my way out. I admit, I hated walking away but I received so many blessings from it. I experienced my own tour. It may have been three months in Tokyo, but it felt like a life time.

Walking away was the best mistake I ever made, but it always was the most selfish mistake I ever made.

"Jess! Jesse please!" He calls behind me.

I stop in my tracks, turning towards his silhouette that is slowly becoming more and more visible. His pants are loud and clear as he makes an effort to continue jogging towards me. I wait patiently, trying to swallow any threatening tears. I don't want to cry. I don't want to argue.

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