Chapter Eighteen: Giving Back Love

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"It takes courage to love, but pain through love is the purifying fire which those who love generously know. We all know people who are so much afraid of pain that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell and, giving out nothing, receive nothing and therefore shrink until life is a mere living death."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

I've always been taught to be anything other than open. My life once revolved around lying to get around obstacles. I would lie about my age, for my attention. I would lie to my mother about Joseph's infidelities to avoid being hit or seeing her cry. I would lie about my feelings, to avoid letting someone become too close. Throughout my lies, I learned one thing, though the truth is tough to handle, it's much easier.

I've been breathing easy, sleeping heavier and smiling often. The week after our announcement of our engagement went better than expected. Not a negative commentary about the scene. Many fans rejoiced, claiming us as the top couple of the century. The media itself has seemed to have reached their nadir of claiming my relationship with Jesse as a sham. The world finally understands that I truly am in love, and Jesse is the cause of it.

It's a great feeling.

"I'm four months... Four months finally!" Jesse squeals, admiring herself in our full length mirror.

This has been a everyday routine for her lately. Waking up, playing with my nose, hopping out of the bed and running over to the mirror to check her progress. I think it's cute, admirable even to see her so excited. She truly deserves her elation for baby number two. The miscarriage scare is completely gone now that she is beginning her second trimester, and for that we are thanking God and breathing easy.

"I can't wait for our little sucker to come out already..." I sigh mutually.

She sighs as well, turning away from the mirror to glance at me. I flash her an innocent smile and for a second, imagine her with our baby in her arms. I've been having dreams lately about our future, with our little one. The dreams are so sweet and I think it's a sign from God. A beautiful sign that promises a hopeful, final happiness.

"What's on your mind?" She interrupts my daze, slipping in bed beside me.

Allowing her to cuddle into my arms, I peck her forehead and smile with an idea forming.

"How about we visit some infant hospitals? It's been awhile since we last did an outing together, besides last week. Then we can have a mall trip? Anything to get out of the house" I suggest, knitting out fingers together.

Her pecan eyes glow with a sudden radiance as she quickly leans up and giggles. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion of her sudden elation.

"Michael... That would be great! Holding those little, tiny babies. Ugh, so cute!" She squeals, pecking my cheek quickly before hopping out of the bed once more.

I watch her in amusement as she nearly skips towards her closet and disappears inside. I've also noticed this certain glow to her as well. I guess it's "the pregnancy glow". It makes her mocha skin look even more delectable and it seemingly glistens, more than ever. I love it.

"And what about the mall? You want to go there too?" I call out to her, forcing myself out of the bed.

Like a naked mole rat in the Sahara, she pops her head out of the closet and glances at me with great alert.

"The mall, you wanna go?" I giggle.

Relaxing, she shrugs and disappears once again. I shake my head and cross our bedroom heading towards my own closet. Today just feels like the perfect day for a Michael and Jesse outing. I want to visit a infant hospital for obvious reasons. I'm growing a little antsy about waiting for our little bundle, but I also just want to give back to the community.

Dangerous & Anew (Sequel to Inhaling Alongside You)✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon