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I didn't want to know anymore, Savage had a tendency to forget that I was used to sleeping with him in the same bed, so if he were to wake up and replace himself with the stuffed wolf I would know, because the wolf wouldn't be as warm as him, in turn, I would definitely wake up, that's what happened last night, Savage woke up in the night and never came back in the time I expected him to.

So in my curiosity I went down to find out what was going on, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I did and what I heard broke my heart, how could Marquis do that to him, Lexi had put his whole life on hold for Marquis, he should've gone to college the time Savage, Rallie and his twin along with myself went but because Marquis came first he didn't, in every decision he made he always considered Marquis, but he broke him.

Mates were supposed to love you, cherish you and be with you in every situation, they supported you because no one could ever fulfill you more than a mate could, but what had driven Marquis to do what he did, I understood that children were important parts of our lives, couples would want children at some point but when there was a challenge in having children there were alternatives to take.

Why did he have to choose the one that broke them apart, why choose to make a decision that would destroy you, there was no excuse about how he treated Alexis, we all knew Alexis, and being this broken shell of a person was not him, it hurt watching him like that and I hoped I could do something to cheer him up, anything to get him back to who he was, the Alexis who made even coldest of monsters smile.

It was early morning but I had a lot to plan, so the earlier the better, Savage had gone on patrol, I knew that because he was reluctant to go when I woke him up for it, I had to bargain for him to go, I don't know why he ever needed a bargain, he was Alpha so he had to go, whether he liked it or not, I rolled out of bed and headed for the shower, it didn't take long to get ready and I made sure to wear one of the alpha's hoodies, I knew how possessive Blue was and without being properly marked that sparked more trouble, so that sweater would do.

Making my way downstairs I peered into Lexi's room to find him asleep, this was not good since we had a lot to do, I wasn't going to focus on the negatives and let him wallow in self pity like a depressed hermit, so I burst through the door. "Wake up!" I screamed jumping on top of him. "Matty no, let me sleep I'm tired." He whined pulling up the blankets, no, I was not letting that happen, I yanked them off the bed.

"Matty." He whined even more but I didn't care. "Get up, go shower, and come help me with breakfast or just eat, we have a lot to do, and if you think I'm letting you stay in the house all day you got another thing coming, now shoo." I asserted and he groaned but still rolled off the bed and went to the shower, with that out of the way I made my way to the kitchen, Savage hadn't eaten which meant I had to get him his breakfast and deliver it at the training grounds, then go over my duties.

It was hard work being an alpha with no mate to help him, when I volunteered my parents didn't doubt me, they just warned me on how it would be a hard job but I was their child, a Heathen, I could handle anything. Whilst Alexis was getting ready I made five large omelets, pancakes with blueberries, three smoothies, bacon, and eggs along with chocolate muffins, I knew the alpha liked them, any time of day. "You sure took your time." I commented as Alexis came down the stairs.

"I had to, I looked like shit." He retorted making me chuckle but indeed he had cleaned up nicely, his hair was styled not a bird's nest, along with his overall appearance, he had his glow coming back. "Come eat, we have a long day ahead of us." I explained making him narrow his eyes at me but I brushed it off as he noticed the food and paid no mind to my statement, give a wolf food, you'll be loved forever.

"You smell like Savage, even more than he smells like himself, it's like he drenched you in his scent." Lexi stated with a mischievous grin making me blush. "I think he did and it won't come off since I used his shampoo on my hair, then wore his sweater." I confessed making both of us laugh. "I'm so glad you both are finally together, it took both of you long enough, I thought it was never going to happen." He cheerfully commented shoving more bacon down his throat. "You know he hadn't found his mate, it would have ended badly if he did, and yeah." I replied whilst finishing my omelet.

"Then it's a good thing you're together now, you're the one who always told me not to dwell on the past now I'm telling you, take your own advice Matheo Heathen." He chortled as we both ate breakfast. "Fine I will." I accepted as we both ate, slurped on smoothies until we were full. "This was the best breakfast I had in months." Alexis complimented making me smile, I was glad I could bring that smile onto his face.

"Let me clear up, get your shoes, and then we go to the training grounds." I spoke up as I cleared the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher, it didn't take long for them to get clean, I packed up the tupperware with Savage's food, and in no time we were out the door. "This place has gotten more beautiful over time." The wolf beside me complimented as he looked around in awe. "I had the pack plant more trees, flowers, and the result was this, it brought nature closer to the pack." I explained and Lexi smiled brightly toward me.

I loved that smile, it was genuine, I knew he had a long road to go but this was the first step to getting him to open up, to be himself again, it made me giddy and happy knowing that, the first step had already been taken. We arrived at the pack training grounds, they were vast grassy lands with wolves going through drills that broke bones almost every time. "Did you bring me to heaven?" Alexis chortled as we looked around, half naked or barely clothed men, sweat dripping down their ripped bodies, it sure did seem like heaven for a gay man, who wouldn't love this view.

"Damn those prints." He whispered next to me and we giggled like schoolgirls, but he was right damn them, only that I had one to focus on, and Goddess it did not disappoint my eyes, though I could admire him, he had to have breakfast. "Let's go Alexis before you actually undress them." I stated with a chuckle but he turned to me with a grin. "Already did." He confessed wiggling his tongue out, oh he was mischievous, we giggled our way over to the alpha who had just finished showing a group of wolves the technique to use when fighting a wolf in human form.

"Savage." I called out and the wolves pointed to me when he didn't hear me, that's when he turned to me with a smile, they all knew it was reserved for me, he spread his arms to hug me but I stepped back. "Hermosa come on, I'm not that dirty, come on hug me." He whined but I still refused until Alexis took the tupperware from me and the wolves training made a wall to block me from moving further. "Got ya." He growled making me scream in delight, then he scooped me up into his arms and kissed me, oh how good he tasted, also we had just announced ourselves to the pack.


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