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We kissed passionately, almost wildly, forgetting that there were people around us and that they were somehow still shocked, I could feel his large arms holding me in place, how his whole being radiated heat that didn't scorch me but made me want more of it, crave it even and when I thought I had enough, I dove right back in to kiss him even more.

I didn't care if there were wolves around us, I only cared about him, how he made me feel, how a part of me never wanted that moment to end, it was euphoria, a forbidden bliss that I was granted, Savage was mine and he had just claimed me in front of most of the dominant wolves in the pack, even if they tried getting with me before or after this, their limbs would be torn off, but I didn't care, it felt good to be claimed, until the feeling of everyone watching us started to make itself known.

I pulled back breathlessly and hid myself in the crook of his neck, I was flustered, more rather embarrassed of what had just happened, I hadn't cared about who saw, I had let the alpha devour me in a sensual way, I almost wanted him to rip my clothes off, would that have been too much. "You can't hide now, we all saw you kissing the alpha like a pro, bet you've got moves that would make a porn star blush too." Alexis whispered in my ear making me groan.

His comments brought the wrong images into my head, Goddess I was more embarrassed now, did it have to happen like this. "Stop teasing my baby Lexi." Savage reprimanded making the wolf chuckle but slightly back away, the wolves hadn't spoken which made me question if they were really okay with this, would my worries have been warranted or I was just being paranoid for no reason, I had to know, I clearly knew Savage could hear my heart pound like the drums of war, and he immediately stepped in.

"It's alright, I've got you, baby." He comforted whilst his large palm caressed my back, how I loved the tingles it left in every stroke. "Well it's about fucking time!" I recognized that voice, of all the people who had to say that first, why him. "Yeah, you guys wouldn't do it no matter how we tried pushing you two together, seriously about time luna Matty." I didn't know the teen who had spoken but it seemed everyone had noticed my dilemma with Savage.

"Wait, you're okay with us?" I asked turning in Savage's arms, he still held me by my waist only to the side. "Why wouldn't we be, you guys are awesome." Gerrit replied this time with a grin that literally blinded you. "See hermosa, nothing to worry about." Savage added as he placed a kiss on my already bruised lips earning howls, whistles, and chants from the pack, I was happiest in that moment, the pack accepted us.

When everyone finally went back to training and the large alpha set me down I glared at him. "Hermosa you're making that face again." Savage nervously mumbled looking at Alexis for help but the man was busy checking out the wolves and helping Gerrit instruct them. "You haven't eaten breakfast, I told you it was important, you either go to the packhouse and eat, then continue with training, or you come home and eat, I know for a fact you did not go to the packhouse." I stated sternly making the alpha everyone feared gulp down nervously.

"I'm sorry baby, I got carried away with training and we had to do a double check on patrol since there was a rogue spotted in the southeast part of the pack, I will be more careful next time my love, I promise I will listen to whatever you say just stop looking at me like that." He rambled his apology making my glare soften, I could never be mad at him, even if I tried, it was futile to stay mad at the man you loved. "Fine, but I'm watching you, mister." I warned and walked over to Alexis, grabbed the Tupperware, and gave it to the alpha I loved.

"Alexis and I are going to the pack nursery, I have to check up on the kids, your office is being repainted so you're using the one upstairs, the piping in the east wing is also being repaired, there are several papers on your desk that need your signature, I've already reviewed them, all you need to do is sign, the useless ones I already put them in the shredder, after you're done here please make sure my Tupperware is back in the house or I will strangle you." I exclaimed everything in one go, then placed a kiss on his cheek.

"You're the best." I heard him whisper as I turned to Gerrit who was smiling proudly and Alexis who was chuckling. "Being luna suits you." He complimented making me blush a little. "It was always a hassle for Savage, so I decided to step in and help him, turns out I did good with it, I'm still learning every day though." I replied with a smile and he reciprocated it with an even beautiful one, we made our way to the nursery, and immediately the little kids ran to me.

The nursery was a large building which housed the infants as a daycare center, it was my idea to have the center making it easier for parents who had day jobs to get on with life and not worry about their pups, another part of the building was where the infants who lost parents and were yet to be adopted stayed, they had around the clock care thanks to Papa, and lastly was the mini pediatric ward, it was a busy building but the workers there made it work.

"Hello Luna Matty." The children greeted us with wide smiles and grins. "Hello little ones, how are you?" I cheerfully replied, but then I noticed how Alexis had suddenly grown gloomy, the sudden realization hit me then, we were at the nursery, one of my closest friends always wanted kids, before I could say something the head caretaker walked up to us with a smile. "Luna, good morning, and congratulations, alpha Savage is lucky to have you." She exclaimed happily and I knew then, word sure traveled fast.

"Thank you very much." I replied turning to look at Alexis who was now talking with one of the kids. "That must be your friend Alexis, correct?" I nodded and she beamed a smile. "Hello Alexis,  I'm Silvia, head caretaker here, alpha Savage said you would have a few questions for me and I'm to do several tests on you." She explained how she knew Alexis and I wondered what exactly the alpha was up to. "Oh hello, what kind of tests?" Lexi questioned looking at me with a puzzled look but I didn't have any idea too.

"Don't worry, there are just simple tests, follow me." She was being very vague that was for sure but she gave no room to refuse so we followed and if Savage had told her to do so then we had to obey, I waved the kids goodbye as they went back to their playground. The more we walked into the nursery the more I could sense Alexis's pain and I wanted to help so badly but I didn't know how, suddenly the shrill cries of a baby echoed in the hall we were in.

"Who is that?" I questioned Silvia and she sighed heavily. "A new born pup, we found him by the pack borders earlier this morning, alpha Savage had him brought here, apparently a rogue mother left him there and was never to be found." She explained with pained words and I understood why, others tossed children away whilst others yearned for them, it was unfair. "That's painful, but here he'll be alright." I mumbled and Silvia nodded in affirmation. "Indeed." She supported as we began walking and the cries got louder.

Alexis abruptly stopped and looked to the room where the cries came from, a nurse was trying to feed him but he wouldn't settle down on the bed, he was just crying, Lexi began walking toward the two and I wanted to follow but Silvia stopped me, she pointed toward Lexi's eyes, they were gold, his wolf was at the surface, as he got closer to the baby, his cries lowered until they became whimpers, Lexi took him up in his arms, he gently held the baby like a treasure he'd never let go.

I turned to Silvia for an explanation, I knew everything about wolves but this was new. "Wolves bond with their pups just after birth, but that baby never had someone to imprint and bond with or to, I'm guessing Alexis's wolf wanted that baby, to fulfill an innate desire, so it bonded, claiming that child as its own, it's rather beautiful." Silvia explained and indeed. It was beautiful.


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