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Love is compromise, it's not about you anylonger, its about us and in as much as we try to ocherstrate a happily ever after, it never goes the way we want, so let loose and let love, it will figure itself out, with the right person.

Adele ~' Sweetest Devotion


"Oh, what happened?" I groaned trying to maneuver my way out of the piles of bodies ontop of me, my best friends were all around me, we had the craziest, most drunken bachelor party in history, no strippers ofcourse Matty would castrate me, I looked around, my throat dry and groggy, wasn't I getting married today, the thought kept nagging me. "Reece back to sleep." Luca, Ralliel's twin whined as he dropped himself ontop of me, with a whine he was out like a light, he was such a child.

Before I could confuse myself even more the curtains were opened, the bright sunlight invaded the room making me and the rest of the boys hiss loudly. "Dad what the hell!" Ralliel yelled as indeed Linden Everlin had drawn the curtains and was torturing our souls with sunlight. "Im going to count to two, if you aren't up by then, you don't want to know what happens next, get off your naked asses this instant." He sweetly addressed us making me feel a chill of dread crawl up my spine, he was just like my dad, sweet looking and adorably short but more vicious than the devil.

"One." He stated and all of us were by our feet, if only we got there gracefully. "We are up dad, we are up." Luca whined as he rubbed his stomach. "I can't believe you boys, what did you even do to black out naked ontop of the dining table." He grumbled as ice cold water was splashed all over us. "That should do it." I knew that voice all too well, uncle Marquee, we were definitely in trouble now, but the cold water on our butt naked bodies did wake us up. I turned with a charming smile toward my uncle who was glaring at me yet he had a smile on his face, how he could pull that off astounded me, his body was still something to be amazed with, he was just as old as dad but the wolf was built like a tank and had the beauty of a greek god, whichever one had the best looks.

"Alright boys, now that you're awake, you're going to shit, shower, shave and get in your suits, we have exactly two hours and since Savage who is still seeing the cosmos is the one getting married along with Ralliel his coconspirator to this madness and best man, they will go first, get a move on." Linden ordered and the both of us scampered upstairs to my bedroom, it seems the two army generals down there had already gotten a handle on having me married off to the love of my life.

I paused looking at the picture of Matty eating strawberries by my bed side, we were really getting married today, after a slight whirlwind of planning by our parents and dealing with Alexis and Marquis's situation, with the addition of getting Xander's life back on track without him falling into a depressive state, a lot had happened in the course of time leading to our wedding but that was a story both Xander and Alexis would have to tell.

"Earth to hungover Savage, we need to get ready, you don't want my dad breaking your man tools before your honeymoon, I suggest you do as he says." Ralliel called out breaking me out of my thought process, his words weren't lost on me because I shuddered and cupped my cock before running into the bathroom, like the generals said, shit,shower, shave and look pretty. I was done in record time as Xander and Luca showed up by the door with towels by their waists. "Boys get a move on, Lexi just told me that Matty and his entourage are nearly done, Savage sit." Uncle Marquee stated as he made me face the large mirror Matty took hours sitting infront of making his hair perfect.

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