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Forever is a long time.

POP ETC ~ Speak Up.


I groaned a little as Savage tightened his arms around me, he was always the cuddler especially in the morning but I had a full bladder that needed relieving so I tactically removed myself from his death grip, a whine escaped from his lips but nothing further, I wondered how much stamina a wolf had, the crazy blood bath with the rogues was only a week and a few days ago but he was already back to normal and more domineering than ever, it made me chuckle as I made my way toward the bathroom.

I just sat on the seat and let everything take it's course, yeah I was one of those persons who liked sitting than standing there and going through the whole tiresome process, plus I was too sore to fully stand, Savage and I had an almost too healthy sex life, if one could call it that, we had been mated for a while and you would think he wouldn't be a sex craved maniac in bed, I only hoped but I myself was turning into a thirsty little thing, like he called me always.

Before I could move to get the wipes they were suddenly being handed to me and I sighed taking them from the alpha gratefully. "You left me in bed." He complained and I rolled my eyes. "I was coming back, you didn't have to wake up." I reassured and he scoffed. "Its never the same without you." He mumbled his response whilst yawned like a true warm blooded alpha male, it was cute in a way. I finished up wore boxers Savage handed me and washep up.

"Im already up, plus today since we're early on the clock, we can watch the sunrise in the garden." He suggested as he lifted me up into his arms, I giggled all the way as he took a blanket from the closet and made his way downstairs with me clinging to him like a koala. "Youre warm." I mumbled as he stood by the door and the chilly morning air hit my bare skin, he liked the skin to skin contact, even when I told him it was a remedy to get babies to stop crying, I was his baby.

He made his way to the edge of the garden where there was a clear view of the sunrise, the lake formed by the falls was also visible in the distance, with where I had made the garden with help from dad of course, it offered you the best view you could possibly get any day, along with the fresh scent of nature and flowers combined. Savage placed the blanket on the slightly moist ground then a sheet wrapped around us, we sat there in peaceful silence and slowly the sky burst into different colours.

"Youre more beautiful than that sunrise to me hermosa." He whispered in my ear as his warmth filled me once again, that name he had always called me with never changed, and no one ever dared use it besides him, it was his and his alone. "I knew I could never fall in love with another even when I knew I would have mate, then fate played her cards and I chose you." He went on and I stayed silent, I knew I wasn't to interrupt, I was to listen.

"Ive always been in love with you, have had a lot of hardons because of you and that ass in the bath, but your body wasn't what I craved, it was you as a person, as the Matty who didn't run away from Blue when he lost control, the Matty who ran to me first when you had a problem, the Matty who stood by my side and kept me grounded, focused and held my hand through bad situations, the Matty who chose to be Luna even when he knew that at some point he would have to let it go, I craved you and the sweetness you never run out of." He asserted with a chuckle and squeezed me just as the first ray of light hit my face and reflected the tears that had trailed down my cheek.

"I would always choose you, in any life, here or the next, though forever is a long time, I will love you now and forever come, because I chose you, and my other half devoted itself to you, I'm not much of man without you, so I don't intend on ever letting you go." He whispered the last part and kissed me, slowly we stood up and and he made me face him, slowly I had turned just as he bent on one knee, my gasp was audible enough and eyes were too glazed over with tears, I couldn't restrain them.

"I know you're considered human but in this pack you're the strongest wolf we've got, you acknowledged me and accepted everything I was and I wanted to acknowledge and accept all the parts of you, every gorgeous and thick part of you," He winked. "So in honor of that, will you Matheo Heathen marry me, and have me as yours forever?" I couldn't say it verbally, shock had completely frozen me and tears still blurred my eyes.

"Yes." I whispered and he sighed in relief. "Yes?" He nervously questioned and I nodded yet again. "Goddess yes, I will marry you!" I screamed and threw myself at him, I loved him, I loved him more than life itself and I'd give up everything just to be with him, go through hell yet again if I knew he was my end goal. "I love you so much, and I will never disappoint you or let you down." He stated with tears brimming in his eyes but he had never let me down, he could never disappoint me, ever.

So when he placed that very large rock on my finger, I kissed him, I kissed him to reaffirm him, and in the process I wiped his tears away. "Even when I'm faced with certain death, Goddess knows I've experienced that, you'll never disappoint me, I know you'll always be there to save me, to love me and be by my side in anything life may throw at us." I reassured as I kissed him again, when we broke apart he held me tightly in his arms, and I never let go either, he would mine, he would always remain mine, to anyone who would see him, he was mine.

"Im in love with you Savage." I mumbled as I took in his warmth and found comfort in his embrace. "And I you hermosa." He replied as we both settled down on the blanket, the air had become warmer and for me it was already the best day of my life, he knew I didn't like extravagance, I prided myself in simplicity, so he never went over the top with his proposal which I appreciated, I would've still said yes even when it was grand but him being considerate of what I like and preferred made me happy, he was perfect for me, he put me first and he would always be first for me, in everything.

So we say there watching the sun rise, beautiful as always, more often than not I had wondered of Savage and I would be together like this, the looming threat of a mate coming his way was still evident back then, but a guy would dream, I always prayed to the Goddess that she make dreams become reality, and now that I was in his arms, happy, secure and soon to marry him I realized that sometimes dreams do come, if you wish for it hard enough, and though mine came true it doesn't mean life will go the same way for everyone, there is always that one for you and accepting it is the first thing to do, so that at one point you find your own happiness.




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