1, Pilot!

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Walking down the halls of William McKinley High school, hand in hand, was Jaeden and Lily. Jaeden and Lilyana had been dating since nearing the start of their freshman year (last year), and around William McKinley High School, they were the it couple — closely followed by Finn Hudson and Quinn Fabray, who have been dating for nearly four months now. On their way through the halls, they came across Rachel Berry. The girl was crying as she stormed into Principal Figgins office. She was fake crying. Lily could spot fake tears from anywhere. She rolled her eyes at the short brunette, before they stopped at their lockers.

Their lockers was where they first met. Opening her locker, Lilyana smiled at the sight of the photo of her and Jaeden. Her mother had took the picture when they fell asleep on the couch, watching a Disney film with her younger brother, Lucas who was nine at the time. Once she got out her books for her first lesson of the day, she closed her locker and smiled at Jaeden, who was still looking in his locker. The picture of them in his locker was in the summer, and they were on the beach with ice creams.

Jaeden is nearly always with Lilyana and her family. He's over there so much that the spare room in their house turned into his room. Whenever Lily asks him about his, he changes the subject. After a while, Lily noticed how uncomfortable he would get if you mentioned his parents, so she stopped asking and hoped that one day he would open up about his family life to her.

Noticing her staring, Jaeden smiled at her and she felt little butterflies in her stomach. Yep, she was in love.



She thought her mother knew she hated them, so when her mother placed them on her plate later on, she was grumpy. Eleanor entered the dining room and smiled at Lilyana and Jaeden before furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh, I'm sorry, honey. I forgot you hate carrots." Eleanor took her daughter's plate and took it to the kitchen to fix it up. Throughout the school year, Jaeden has Keneti's seat at the dinner table because Keneti went to Dalton Academy and was never home unless it was the breaks. Lucas sat opposite Eleanor, with Lilyana on one side and Keneti (usually Jaeden) sat opposite her. During the summer holidays, and breaks, they would add an extra chair next to Lilyana.

After dinner, the couple were laying on Lilyana's bed listening to music. Lilyana smiled to herself when she felt Jaeden draw patterns on her hip (underneath her shirt) with his fingers. Lily looked up at Jaeden, to see he was already staring down at her with a loving look on his face. Leaning up, Lily connected their lips and moved her hand to cup Jaeden's face. Their lips moved in sync, and they smiled into their kiss before pulling away. "I love you." Jaeden whispered into her ear, making goosebumps rise on her skin.

Lily smiled, rolling over so that she was on her stomach and gazing into his eyes. "And I love you."


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